Can i use polar hrm with garmin

Popped an HRM3 on the Polar strap. That worked beautifully too. Did it again today on two different runs. Problem solved. What is really strange to me is that the Garmin SS has a bunch of what looks like Kevlar fabric on it and cares about the difference between the left and right sides of your chest.

The Polar strap has none of that and works like a charm. After 5 months my Garmin strap stop working too. Followed the advice here and bought a Polar strap. Works like a charm. As side note, my Garmin is sooooo problematic with my iPhone 6 and connecting. You would think for such a well known company and for how many units they have sold there would not be these kind of problems.

This will be my last Garmin purchase. I nvr used my hr strap hr strap 3 from from garmin cuz I had an old polar prob from ? It said wear link so I tried it. First couple runs were spot on. Then came the drop outs. In fact with the belt off in my hand it still registered a heart beat albeit way off. I have washed it, turned it backwards, worn above breasts etc and still halfway into my run longer than 6 miles it drops out completely or gets low.

Any ideas on solutions? This comment section has gotten so ridiculously long that solutions get lost in the haystack. Check entries Scrubbing the strap between and around the snaps with rubbing alcohol worked for me to fix and maintain my strap. I now do it on a preventative basis. I had the same problem, my solution was two fold, started washing the strap with dish soap and moved the strap towards my left side.

Regards Jose. Thanks for sharing your solution. I tried it and it worked great. The strap works like new. I placed a new post at the bottom of the thread referencing your original post so hopefully people will go to the end and see it.

Danielle, I am a little confused by your post. First, what device are you sending your hear rate signal too? If it is a Garmin device, the WearLink transmitter should never have communicated with it.

Some of them will communicate with your phone over BTLE but that is it, If you are saying you plugged your Garmin HRM3 transmitter into your WearLink strap, that should have worked all of the time though five years in your gym bag may be challenging the Polar strap as well.

If that is the case, go back to the new Garmin strap that came with your HRM3. It should be good for a couple of months anyway. In fairness to Garmin though, I wire the Garmin Softstrap times a week for months before it failed.

The Polar strap is older but has always been lightly used until now. We will see how it fares with heavy use. Frank- Yes I plug my garmin transmitter onto my polar strap. It used to work well before my Long runs got long. The drop outs I figured are from the excessive sweating and prob from dumping water to combat the humidity? I read some of these responses and began washing the strap after every use with dish soap and letting it air dry but it still happens on every long run.

Got it. Unfortunately, when they start to fail, performance becomes erratic. More unfortunately, the Garmin transmitters do the same thing then their batteries start to get low so you never know for sure where to point your finger. Love the solution offered here. I was pretty frustrated with it dropping readings in longer runs and rides. Then I read this solution, ordered a Polar strap cheap!

Works like a charm! Thanks again. During a run yesterday, my HR ranged from a low of 38 to a high of so obviously there is a problem and I need something more reliable. I have a XT and an Edge Is there anyone out there who would be willing to condense the posts that have been written since DCRainmakers original post that would summarize all the options that are currently available.

Bruce: Simply purchase a new Polar strap. And easy to do, no need for too much precision.. Left on Polar unmodified, right on Polar trimmed. Here is DC rainmakers review. Just to clarify, I did not have to do any trimming or cutting of anything in order to allow my Garmin HRM to fasten securely.

This configuration has been working for me for quite a while now and I have never had any issues with the Garmin HRM not securely fastening to the Polar strap.

Many thanks, Cor R and Richard. This is just what I was hoping to receive. Again, many thanks to both of you. Getting ready to order the Polar strap next. BTW, I really appreciate the link. After lots of experimenting and frustration with polar straps, etc. I held my nose and bought another complete soft strap and sending unit from Garmin. Now working with my Edge just swimmingly.

Guessing mine had some kind of defect. This thread has been active for about 5 years now, incredible. After getting home from a ride the other day where my Garmin Edge heart rate monitor was reading anywhere between 20 and and had been for months I set out looking for a solution.

I found this thread and read through most of the responses. The one solution that seemed to fix the problem permanently for the least cost was given by Les Borean in September He recommended cleaning the strap, particularly between the snaps for the transmitter with rubbing alcohol which is actually isopropyl alcohol then washing with soap and rinsing. As my strap was still wet from riding I rinsed the front of the strap well with alcohol followed by a scrubbing with Dawn dish detergent, rinsed quickly under the faucet then dropped it in a bucket of clean water for about 5 hours.

On my next ride heart rate readings were as stable as when the strap was new. Thanks Les! Cleaning the original strap also worked well for me… but only for the first minutes of exercise … I would certainly advocate careful cleaning of the Garmin strap before any more expensive alternative. I had done that for several months before switching to the Polar solution. I have had not this trouble since switching to the Polar strap … I keep the Garmin strap in reserve, I suspect if I use with a static prone shirt or whatever reason they originally added the shielding I may need it!

My transmitter fits very snug into the Polar band. Any thoughts? Did the Garmin transmitter ever work with the ? Normally when you buy them together they are already paired but perhaps not in your case. Did you tell the to perform a search for a new HRM? I am also pretty sure that the Wearlink designation is meaningless. The Polar strap I am presently using came with my H7 transmitter and does not say Wearlink on it anywhere.

It does not look like Polar still markets anything using that name. Not that your Wearlink strap will NOT work. It should work as well presuming it is working at all.

First make sure the Garmin transmitter is paired with your watch. You can actually get it going without a strap. Just grab one snap with each hand and wait a minute or two and the transmitter will start transmitting garbage but your watch should pick it up.

Frank, thank you so much for your thoughtful and detailed reply! I messed around with it a bit this morning and was able to get the Garmin transmitter to work on my Polar strap. Prior to this, the Garmin transmitter and strap paired just fine with the watch, and I use my Polar HRM daily for boot camp workouts so everything with that the Polar transmitter and strap work just fine.

I do all the routine things that Polar recommends to keep the straps clean and free of contaminants rinsing, machine washing after every uses on a cold, gentle cycle, etc. Yesterday I wet the electrodes as I usually do and made no adjustments to the strap length or its position on my chest, and the Garmin transmitter was very securely attached to the strap. Following the recommendation from Cor R, post , and others I purchased the Polar Strap and tried it for the first time yesterday.

While not a long run it seemed to work perfectly. BTW, not withstanding the advice from Richard and others that suggests some trimming is necessary, my Garmin HRM snapped solidly into the snaps on the strap.

It is hard for me to believe that the HRM will pop out of both straps. As some one mentioned in a later post this thread has been going on for 5 years and this will be the th post.

It seems to me that this thread could be summarized as follows. Any one disagree? The issue appears to be the Garmin strap which, for the average user, should work well for about a year before readings begin to fluctuate wildly, provided that the strap is cleaned regularly with soap and water and from time to time with rubbing alcohol.

Clean the new strap regularly and keep a fresh battery in the Garmin HRM. When the batteries in ALL Garmin HR transmitters begin to fail, the signs of impending failure are all over the lot and include a abnormally low HR; b abnormally high HR; intermittent and complete failure to transmit.

See Post here: link to dcrainmaker. In my personal experience, a strap that is going bad will usually begin with momentary dropouts and progress to more, longer drop-outs before it begins failing for entire sessions. The really frustrating thing is that it may work fine the very next day! The Garmin soft strap has evolved. Soft strap 5—which I found waiting for me in Miami last night—is designated model number It has the same fancy fabric but only on the outside, in front with a black vinyl overlay that creates a diagonal pattern.

This one says the design is licensed under a patent held by Suunto. This one has ended marking the contact pads R and L but has the Garmin logo silk screened between the snaps which I guess could be an indication of which way is up. I have babied my Garmin straps in an effort to get more mileage out of them. This includes a brief cold water soak after every use and a gentle machine wash with my running clothes every week. The Polar band has never seen the inside of my washing machine.

It just works better. I hope they have finally got it right but I doubt it. It is good that we have an inexpensive alternative. As anybody tried this even cheaper non-branded alternative? Strap and transmitter right side up. Worked flawlessly: link to connect. Strap upside down; transmitter right side up. Strap right side up; transmitter upside down. HR worked flawlessly. For the sake of completeness, I did one more experimental run.

Once again, I got a perfect heart rate record: link to connect. The immediately previous Garmin soft strap with green-gold fabric on parts of both sides was clearly marked L and R on the contact pads. Does it really matter or will this strap also work upside down?

In light of what I have found with the soft straps and two different Garmin transmitters, I have begun to doubt the veracity of my earlier experience with the HRM1. Are you saying the new HRM that came with your works with that but drops out with the Edge ? Yes forerunner watch came with hr. I have a edge too. But when using that hr with the it drops…. But on gps watch no problems.

Still no blame? What happened? But I bought a new Garmin with new soft strap as a bundle so I stuck the old hard strap in a drawer. Then the problems started. At the start of a ride new soft strap my heart rate would read bpm before I even climbed on the bike.

As I cycled it occasionally dropped into the correct reading, but not very often and not for long. So I started using the hard strap but low battery issues mucked me up. I stopped using the HRM function entirely for a couple years. Then I though it was time to get it all going again. After changing batteries on both sensors, I found the hard strap works fine. The newer soft strap continued to read plus bpm.

So I bought a Chinese knock-off replacement soft strap, and that works just fine too. They still sell the same dodgy strap today. My polar strap not new punked out. My garmin strap new and not used till I posted to this thread- maybe a month ago keeps dropping and the chaffing is horrible.

I look like I was scratched in a clear circle. Been using the Garmin unit on Polar strap for a while, only downside for me is the polar clasp keeps letting loose. The 1 pin 1 inch unit works great — thread the metal hook end through the fixed side, and the pin through the loop end — no more letting go. So this issue really frustrated me, but I have found a solid fix for removing heart rate spikes with my Garmin and premium heart rate strap. It actually combines two solutions I found scouring the interwebs.

First, as this article states, use the electrode gel. And be liberal. Apply it to not only the strap, but also the area around your sternum.

Second, and more importantly, I hand wash and soak the strap after every use. Fill a small Tupperware container with hot water and basic dish soap. Shake vigorously for a minute and then let soak for 15 to 20 minutes.

Removed the strap, rinse under fresh water, and then dry the non-sensor part of the strap only. Hang and dry for the next use. To qualify my results, I am only running 45 minutes in both hot and cooler weather that is slightly humid. My premium strap worked fine the first seven uses, but then started acting erratically spiking at the start and then again 20 minutes into each exercise.

I tested the cleaned Garmin strap on three runs with the Mio Alpha 2 and they were identical with the Mio having some latency. I have now been using my new, new Garmin soft strap almost daily for ten weeks. No electrode gel. No soap. It just gets a brief soak in cold water after every use and then hung up to dry. This is a different design than my first two soft straps four contact electrodes on this one.

Thanks for the tip, Ray! Looking forward to trying this. Great reviews! I appreciate your thoroughness. I want to get the new Garmin FR Thanks in advance for your input. Yup, no problems using your existing strap with the new FR Just wanted to say thanks for the tip!

Everything was fine until yesterday I wore a long sleve UnderArmour synthetic shirt my readings became a lot higher all of the sudden. I had the same problem with Garmin chest straps and wearing synthetic shirts but did not know that the same happens to optical bands.

Does anyone have any issues like this? I just bought another Polar strap in March of after the first one I bought got left in a hotel room. I tried two different transmitters and returned the first strap to Amazon only to find the second one had the same issue.

I bought this: link to amazon. Tim Benjamin, was the issue that the contacts were recessed slightly, with a rim of rubbery plastic making them not seat fully??

I have posted picture here of how to trim the ring of excess material off, allowing the Garmin transmitter to fit. I just bought the garmin xt and am in the market for a HRM. So, do I go garmin all the way or do I do the garmin transmitter and polar strap? The latest version of the Polar Soft Strap that Amazon sells, are no longer compatible with Garmin transmitters.

Thx so much! I just bought one used thinking id be able to get a HRM? That one is from the UK. Did u order it from the UK? Is this the same?

Do you think this Polar strap will work with the Garmin transmitter? It should, though you may need to cut the little bits of plastic around the poles on the Polar strap see comments above. Ahh yes, Pacers Alexandria — good times! The snaps on the Garmin transmitter I have are closer together than the snaps on the Polar transmitter, so it works quite well. The Garmin snaps appear to be a bit bigger, so time will tell whether this has any effect on the Polar strap, but I have another two new ones put away if I need them.

Yup, check above in some of the comments. I tried two different monitors with the same result,could it be because I am in the UK and there could be a manufacturing difference Thanks Wazza. As you say, the HRM pops straight off the buttons when I try to push it in. But thanks to a pair of scissors and a bit of trimming of the rubber around the female press studs, it now fits. A little fiddly, yes, but it fits.

I bought the Polar strap, and have trimmed the surplus rubber off but am still not getting an HR reading on my XT.

I replaced the battery in the Garmin transmitter, nothing. I was starting to think it might be the watch until it picked up another HR signal from a cyclist while I was out running. Any suggestions for anything to try before I buy another whole strap and transmitter? I just pulled up the manual for your XT and think I discovered that it does not support pairing except on a once per activity basis.

Sounds like your transmitter is simply not working. Two things to try. One kind of unbelievable thing to be aware of. The Edge is an odd duck that seems to have some weird HRM compatibility issues with some newer units. There was a time for example that it stumbled on the PowerCal straps. Has anyone tried out the new HRM from Garmin yet see below? According to Garmin that device is superior to the previous model. I am not sure if it fixes the issue with the strap that has been outlined here.

I like the Scosche one: link to dcrainmaker. Nor did sweat make the strap work any better later. However, I have found another solution not described here. I took a cheap non-woven tear-resistant dish cloth of the kind that sells in supermarkets in multipacks and cut two strips, each slightly more than twice the width of the strap and long enough to cover the contacts on each side. These are then folded and creased lengthwise.

After putting on the strap, I wet the strips and fold it over the strap so that one half of each is interposed between my chest and the contacts. Effectively, the strip now acts as a wet conductive pad between the contact and the chest. It works wonderfully! I think one problem with the conductive rubber surface of the premium strap is that it is extremely difficult to wet. The pad circumvents this and also avoids contact between my skin and the rubber to which I am sensitive. That it only happens to some people may perhaps be related to their natural skin resistance.

I expect it will also work with medical cotton gauze pads and other similar materials that will not disintegrate on contact with water tissue paper is a bad idea. I agree the Garmin soft strap is poor. It worked fine for a few months and then the spikes and dropouts became ever more frequent. I found that conductive gel made things worse. Besides, every hrm I have ever tried 6 in total have worked straight out of the box on dry skin.

One would expect better from a big firm like Garmin. Their Edge has always been great though. I also have problems with erratic behaviour from their Virb elite action cam. I bought the Coosport when the Garmin faded. I bought the Polar strap last week on advice from this site when Coosport started producing more spikes.

All items are interchangeable and hence I have tried tried all combinations of strap and tx, except I can no longer get the Garmin tx to pair with my Edge First use produced some early spikes, but second use was perfect.

I wait to see if that combo will develop more spikes in time. I have a problems with a garmin premium strap. I just kept buying new ones but now I see a solution. Thought I was looking at shelling out more hard cash on technology that really should last longer. Then found this post from DC Rainmaker who I have read before on different things by chance on this issue.

Thanks DC. I have an Edge and an Edge and, as all of us, a lot of problems with the HR lectures. I decided to do another test to isolate the strap problem: I put the Polar Wearlink transmitter in the Garmin strap and check the signals with the Polar CS The readings are good and stable.

I think definitively the problem is the compatibility between the newer transmitters and the old edges. I just cut my new polar strap around the pins. Will run some weeks and come back with info. This was some great advice like usual , I just ordered a replacement strap because I decided to do more heart rate training and sure enough my numbers are crazy for the first mile.

Today my first 2 miles average HR was and occasionally ….. If I were running that hard, Id be having a heart attack…. Funciona tambem inversamente, ou seja, cinta garmin com transmissor polar? Thank you so much. My Garmin is now working at treat again with the Polar strap. Hugely grateful! This is driving me crazy. I ran the original Garmin hard strap for 6 years with no issues until it one day just died.

The last few months has been horrible. I get maybe 40 mins of heartrate data before it drops. It takes the strap 5 minutes to come online. I went and bought some electrode gel to see if that solves the problem.

With my strap I would put it on. Nevertheless, from what we can tell and what the data in this document shows, the Polar H10 is a very precise heart rate monitor. If you have a compatible Polar watch, you can also use the Polar H10 to perform the Orthostatic Test, which is a recovery tool for athletes who train vigorously.

It's not easy to make a judgement on this 'versus'. The H10 is superb value for money and highly accurate. The Garmin HRM-Pro clearly does an awful lot more, and is not noticeably inaccurate, but you will have to have a Garmin watch to take advantage of it.

Clearly, if you have a Garmin watch already and want to explore running metrics in great depth, then Garmin's own heart rate strap is the one to buy. Verdict: hung jury. Matt is a fitness fanatic a. In his free time, he works out at home, runs, cycles and loves a good ol' walk around the city.

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Would you prefer to keep the minimum for a qualifying run to it's current 3 miles or or 30 minutes? Or ease it back to 2mi or 20min?

Either is fine. View Results. Login required to started new threads Login required to post replies. Quote Reply. Post 1 of 17 views. I am backordered for a garmin xt. Will this monitor work with the garmin or do I need a garmin-specific monitor? Re: polar heart rate monitor compatible with garmin watch? Post 2 of 17 views. Need a Garmin Post 3 of 17 views. After the strap that came with my I ordered the one dcrainmaker suggested. Worked great for a few months and now it's crapping out too but just plain drops out rather than giving readings of bpm.

Post 4 of 17 views. Polar stuff only works with Polar. Post 5 of 17 views. Post 6 of 17 views. Post 7 of 17 views.


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