Turn Evil : has returned and is currently a niche crowd control. Be wary of using this in dungeons as the crowd controlled mob will run away from where you applied Turn Evil , potentially pulling more mobs towards your group. Hammer of Wrath : Generates 1 holy power and becomes usable during Avenging Wrath after level 58 with rank 2 Hammer of Wrath. Shield of the Righteous Requires an equipped shield and Word of Glory.
Avenging Wrath and Holy Avenger are now off the global cooldown. Retribution has Blessing of Sacrifice and Consecration baseline. Balance PvP. Feral PvP. Restoration PvP. Beast Mastery PvP. Marksmanship PvP. Survival PvP. Arcane PvP. Fire PvP.
Mistweaver PvP. Windwalker PvP. Holy PvP. Retribution PvP. Discipline PvP. Shadow PvP. Assassination PvP. Outlaw PvP. Subtlety PvP. Elemental PvP. Enhancement PvP.
Affliction PvP. Demonology PvP. Destruction PvP. Arms PvP. Fury PvP. Protection PvP. Sanctum Overview. The Tarragrue. The Eye of the Jailer. The Nine. Remnant of Ner'zhul. Soulrender Dormazain. Painsmith Raznal. Fatescribe Roh-Kalo. Guardian of the First Ones. Sylvanas Windrunner. Sylvanas Loot. De Other Side. Halls of Atonement. Mists of Tirna Scithe. Sanguine Depths. Spires of Ascension. The Necrotic Wake. Theater of Pain. Other Dungeon and Raid Guides. Shadowlands World Bosses.
Castle Nathria Overview. Shroud Skip Guide. Changes in Shadowlands. Crafting Reagents. Profession Leveling and Gold Making Guides. Leveling Guide. Shadowlands Heirlooms. Leveling Consumables.
Leveling Mounts. How Rested XP Works. DK Leveling DH Leveling Druid Leveling Hunter Leveling Mage Leveling Monk Leveling Paladin Leveling Priest Leveling Rogue Leveling Shaman Leveling Warlock Leveling Leveling Up Warrior Leveling Recurring Events. Darkmoon Faire. Brawler's Guild. Pirates' Day. Harvest Festival. Hallow's End. Day of the Dead. Empty Holy Power bar. A paladin with 5 Holy Power.
Notes Holy Power becomes available at level It is possible to have 5 Holy Power at a time. Unlike a rogue's combo points, Holy Power appears in a "Holy bar" below the paladin's portrait see picture. This makes it similar to a death knight 's rune system. The spells using Holy Power doesn't need to be used on the same target the spells generating it were used on.
Holy Power decays over time when not in combat. For instance, they said Consecration was returning to all specs but did not mention it here. I prefer a fast paced spec with combo points that is easily able to hit others through chained attacks or mend. Whilst still being a plated knight just like before. Rogues yeet away. We will still have aura mastery alongside the many more returning auras.
So I sincerely hope they will give us more things to play with to generate holy power and spend them on. Really disappointed, I was kind of hopefuly given how Holy and Protection got rid of it and just Ret left. Would much rather just have mana as our main resource to keep track of.
Both their decision to force HP on all speccs, and their new class philosophy is so far beyond what i thought they could do. I can only speak for holy. During WoD all paladins had holy power. Protection was clunky but holy paladins were ridiculously OP in WoD with proper tier sets.