Book your fishing charter today or call at Read below. What are Tarpon? Where are Tarpon? What Size is Tarpon? Life Span? Are Tarpon Fish Good to Eat? Are Tarpon a Protected Species? Do Tarpon Fish Breathe Air? Do Tarpon Fish Have Teeth? What Do Tarpon Like to Eat? Tarpon love mullet, crabs and pinfish. How Do You Catch a Tarpon? The faster they are swimming usually the more they will surface making it easy for Florida tarpon Guides like my-self to locate them.
I always tell my guys early in the morning on the first tarpon charter to look for something that looks like a porpoise surfacing without the long fin and more of a shine to them.
Sometimes all you will see is one fish rise; sometimes it may be 20 or 30 all at one time rolling violently. Many times you will just see a small fraction of the fish roll that is actually in the school. The tarpons primary predator, especially as they get larger, is the shark. Hammerhead, Bull, and Tiger sharks have a particular sweet tooth for them. The good news is that tarpon are poor for human consumption. The only people that really eat them are a few natives in Panama and Africa, where they are actually considered a delicacy, and sold on a small local scale.
Lucky for us fishermen tarpon are not sought after for food, this is the biggest reason they are so plentiful and in such fishable numbers.
When it comes to pound for pound explosiveness, endurance, and jumping ability the only fish that can compete is a blue marlin. Tarpon have a special ability to gulp air at the surface when they are in a habitat that doesn't provide enough oxygen. In their larval stage, tarpon are transparent, have a ribbon-like body and prominent fanglike teeth, and are less than an inch long. Tarpon can only be fished recreationally in Florida. A to size spinning reel paired with a medium weight rod is a high multi-purpose tackle for Tarpon fishing will be sufficient.
The reel should be corrosive-resistant and have a smooth and robust drag to tame the fish quickly. Fly fishing the shallow flats is exciting. Watching a school of the larger fish turn towards the boat, knowing you are one perfect cast from landing a giant tarpon, is exhilarating. An angler armed with a 10wt rod and a perfect cast leading the school of fish, stripping like mad to lure the large Tarpon. Their athleticism is one of the most fantastic attractions of Tarpon fishing. When the fish is hooked, it will use their muscular build and incredible speed to jump out of the water.
Be careful; often, these jumps help the fish remove the hook. Tarpon Megalops Atlanticus A giant 6-foot Tarpon jumping several feet out of the water is a sight few anglers will ever forget! Description and Size Tarpon have thin bodies covered with large flat scales. Interesting Facts Tarpon are known for their acrobatics and can jump 10 feet out of the water and swim up to 35 mph.