The late game damage has been significantly reduced , going from 75 at skill level five to only However, Three Talon Strike now has a 0. This ability is completely new for Xin Zhao. When you press W on Xin, he slashes in a crescent shape in front of him , dealing damage. A moment later, Xin stabs his spear forward in a line , dealing even more damage than before and slowing all targets hit.
The speed of this ability is increased by bonus attack speed. The cost has been reduced by 10 mana which is, hey, 10 mana. The damage has been decreased by a lot in the end game, going from at skill level five to The slow has also been reduced to 0.
To make up for all of this, however, Xin now grants a massive attack speed boost up to 60 percent at skill level five for five seconds. Login Social Login. Create Account Social Register. Xin Zhao The Seneschal of Demacia. Wild Rift Xin Zhao Build. Patch Xin Zhao's Top Items. Wit's End. Death's Dance. Xin Zhao's Top Runes. Flash Smite. Emberknife Refillable Potion. Oracle Lens. Xin Zhao's Core Items. Boots 1 2 3. Xin Zhao's Luxury Items 1 2 3.
Three Talon Strike Q Q. Wind Becomes Lightning W W. Audacious Charge E E. Crescent Guard R R. Counters powered by. CR is Counter Rating, which is a combination of multiple counter factors. More Xin Zhao Counters. See More. Every third attack deals bonus damage and heals Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao's next 3 standard attacks deal increased damage with the third attack knocking an opponent into the air.
Xin Zhao slashes in front of himself with his spear, then thrusts it forward, slowing affected enemies and marking them as Challenged. The third attack consumes the effect to knock up the target for 0. Three Talon Strike resets Xin Zhao's basic attack timer and is affected by critical strike modifiers. Active: Xin Zhao uses his spear to slash in an arc and, after the cast time, unleashes a thrust in a line in the target direction.
Wind Becomes Lightning's damage heals Xin Zhao for Audacious Charge's range is increased against Challenged targets. Xin Zhao then gains bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Xin Zhao cannot cast Wind Becomes Lightning while dashing, but he may still buffer it. Three Talon Strike and Crescent Guard can both be cast during the dash.
Active: Xin Zhao sweeps his spear around him, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies, capped at against monsters , and knocking back all non- Challenged targets hit up-to units over 0. For the next 5 seconds, Xin Zhao is also invulnerable to enemy champions more than units away from him. League of Legends Wiki. League of Legends Wiki Explore. Runeterra Locations Factions Species Timeline. Short stories Video lore Books Alternate Universe. Tales of Runeterra League Animation Workshop.
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