Hope this helps!!! Comments 0. Related Questions. Know More about. Uttar Pradesh Combined Entrance Examinat IIT Roorkee M. Tech Admission 1 day ago. Latest Preparation questions. The question have been saved in answer later, you can access it from your profile anytime. Access now. Your report is submitted, the author will be informed about it.
Question Followers. Report Question. Can be made better Question lacks the basic details making it difficult to answer. Spam Question drives traffic to external sites for promotional or commercial purposes. Irrelevant The Question is not relevant to User. UGC approves universities in the country. It provides funds for affiliated universities and colleges.
Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. MLA 8 S, Prabhat. It is ucg approved but i want to know weather ucg is better than aicte or not please reply me soon.. I have not found Human Rights Development Ministry anywhere in this page written by the editor.
So, please check atleast twice before you write anything which can be seen by anybody and can disfigured the image of the editor and can ask question about his knowledge and his incredibility. Sir , can you explain me.. Is it possible that UGC can give the technical certificate..! Galgotia university is a ugc approved university whereas galgotia college at the same time is a aicte approved college.
Their B-voc degree is from jain university kochi. We paid 60, Rs to jain university kochi. And around 40, we paid in ISDC. My doubt is weather the jain university kochi course have UGC affaffliation Sir please reply soon.
I am a student of diploma branch mining in Mewar university this university is not approved dgms can I got job or not please give me answer as soon as possible sir. Currently I am pursuing a B. Hi sir, I am doing mca from anna university part time complete after join college lecture, this possible please tell me the ans my mail id. Tech so plz give me information which college will gave seat in belgaum. Im planning to EpMBA from thane college.
I need information about government polytechnic silli are aicte approved. Please conform me yes or no. Difference Between Fellowship and Internship. Difference Between Training and Development. Difference Between M. Difference Between Lecturer and Professor. Difference Between Accountant and Chartered Accountant.
Difference Between Civil Engineering and Architecture. Difference between BCA and B. Tech Course. Difference Between Diploma And Degree. Difference between Science and Arts Stream. Difference Between Indian and Foreign Education. Pharm Course. Difference Between Prematric And Postmatric.