Abuses to which children are subjected to

If an adult is carrying out abuse, they may :. Examples include :. All types of maltreatment will include some level of emotional abuse, but it can also occur on its own.

Sexual abuse is defined as any act that forces or entices a child or young person to participate in sexual activities. It is sexual abuse, even if the child does not understand what is happening and there is no force, violence, or even contact. If the child is forced or invited to participate in any activity that causes the other to be aroused, this is considered sexual abuse.

Such activities may include :. The person who carries out the abuse may be an adult male, adult female, or another child, usually a teenager who has already reached puberty , although younger children may also carry out abuse.

Signs in the child that may indicate sexual abuse include :. Sexual abuse usually involves someone the child knows. Often, the child will be told to keep the relationship a secret. They may be threatened with something bad happening if they tell anyone. An adult who carries out sexual abuse with a child may have received the same treatment in the past.

Breaking the cycle may help prevent it passing down to the next generation. It can involve :. Single, teenage parents and those who experienced difficulties in their own childhood may struggle as parents. In some cases, identifying parents who need help and offering support and training can enable parents to avoid abuse in bringing up their children. You do not need to be sure abuse is occurring or to know which type. In the long term, abuse can lead to problems with trust and relationship difficulties, a feeling of worthlessness, and difficulty regulating emotions.

In some cases, the child may grow into an adult who abuses children in their care. One sign that may indicate that abuse has taken place is children making drawings that represent their experience, or acting out what has happened to them in play. Researchers have said there is a lack of objective measures that can be used to confirm the use of drawings as evidence for use in a legal case. However, if a child draws unusual images, these may be worth attention, especially if there are other signs.

It is worth noting that no two cases will be the same. The signs, too, may overlap. Aggressive behavior changes, for example, could be a sign of either physical or emotional abuse.

In addition, other factors can trigger similar symptoms. The loss of a loved one, separation, or divorce, among other things, can also cause signs of emotional stress. Children who may have experienced abuse should visit a doctor or hospital, as physical medical help or counseling may be needed.

Anyone who believes they are abusing, have abused, or might abuse a child should remove themselves from the child and place the child somewhere safe, for example, by asking someone else to look after them, then find someone to confide in.

Counseling may be necessary. Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome - Inducing medical illness in a child or wrongly convincing others that a child is sick is both dangerous and abusive. Drug use during pregnancy - Drug and alcohol use during pregnancy or lactation can be harmful to your child, leading to problems such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Hundreds of thousands of children are physically abused each year by someone close to them, and thousands of children die from the injuries.

Some Signs of Physical Child Abuse Burns, bite marks, cuts, bruises, or welts in the shape of an object. Resistance to going home. Fear of adults. What is Child Sexual Abuse? Other examples include: Fondling - Touching or kissing a child's genitals, making a child fondle an adult's genitals.

Violations of bodily privacy - Forcing a child to undress, spying on a child in the bathroom or bedroom. Exposing children to adult sexuality - Performing sexual acts in front of a child, exposing genitals, telling "dirty" stories, showing pornography to a child.

Commercial exploitation - Sexual exploitation through child prostitution or child pornography. Sexual child abusers can be: Fathers, mothers, siblings, or other relatives. Childcare professionals or babysitters. Clergy, teachers, or athletic coaches. Foster parents or host families of foreign-exchange students.

Neighbors or friends. Avoidance of things related to sexuality, or rejection of own genitals or body. Either over-compliance or excessive aggression.

Fear of a particular person or family member. Related Articles. Child Abuse Information Articles. Laws on Child Abuse. What Is Child Abuse? Child Abuse Definition. Sign in. Forgot your password? Get help. Create an account. Password recovery. FirstCry Parenting. Big Kid Safety. In This Article. What Is Child Abuse? Fun Facts About Cars for Kids. Fun Iceland Facts for Kids. Ruchelle Fernandes - November 10, Milo is primarily a male name that has been derived from multiple sources.

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