I dunno and I don't think we'll ever get the real answer- when I first saw it my friend and I both thought he was maybe crying because he couldn't believe what he was seeing and that he was like happy. I'm still confused- it could be because he's sad but my first reaction was he was like crying out of disbelief, etc. LadyofIthilien New Member. I think that scene was there to show that Grima is a coward. He is so sure that there is no way 'good' will win, that he joins with the side who he thinks will be victorious.
He dosen't like the thought of death, and to see that huge army that he thinks is imposible to defeat, he gets a terrible bang of guilt, and realizes he should not be here aiding Saruman , who is about to kill so many of the people he knows. And he also begins to realize that he has put himself in a terrible position. There is no way he can get out of this mess, he is extremly scared of Saruman his master.
And his life is doomed to be slow and torturous for the rest of his life When I saw the film, I thought the tear was a sign that Grima was overwhelmed by the sight and the "beauty" of the power of Saruman 's army, as it might appear to him. Niniel Random Quoter. I loved that. Even if he would get powerful, he would always feel guilty about what he had done.
So he cried because he realized what he had done, and what that would mean: the destruction of the world, of which really no good could come. Yes, I felt that they were either tears of joy, or tears of sadness for betraying Rohan. And the tears would be sybolising that Wormtongue had just realized that he did not wish for Saruman to destroy Rohan. Therefore he would kill Saruman to make up for the error of his ways.
Phee Believer. I'm still undecided as to my interpretation of Grima's tear. Perhaps they meant it to be ambiguous so everyone can interpret it in their own way. The first time I saw it I thought it was a tear of joy, but it seemed unfitting. Maybe it's happy, maybe it's sad, maybe it's supposed to be ambiguous The one that blows a hole in Helms Deep , i mean.
What about that little hankie thing hes always holding in the pictures? What's that all about? Eriol Estel. PJ introduced the genocide angle, that Saruman was trying to "destroy the world of Men", that was not in the books.
Re: another thing Originally posted by LadyofIthilien I just rememberd something I agree. We don't know. I jsut thought it would be fun to speculate. I prefer the idea that it was remorse Tolkien would have added a sentence or maybe two about the tear s and they it was there.
Considering that it is Tolkien and the way he wrote what do you think he would have made Grima cry for? Or,perhaps he didn't make Grima cry because he didn't know why to make him cry. Waht do you think? Yes, grima thought the army was such a beautiful thing that he shed a tear of joy. Originally posted by Mrs Maggot I'm sorry, but there is no way in hell that is a tear of joy. I think you need to read what I had said earlier I was saying tear of "joy" because it was an overwhelming emotion to him.
A sick and twisted emotion of evil. Gimli thought the same thing. The rest of you goof on it, but you don't look past it.
Although the other theory of remorse admittedly sounds better. Just my initial observation upon seeing the movie. Sidepoint: I can't remember if the book mentions that he "loves" her. If not, I think he just wants her as his possession, like a trophy wife.
Probably shouldn't mention that, you guys will probably goof on that too Grima is obviously an evil and cold-hearted character who thinks of litte else apart from himself, but that does not mean that he is totally inhuman. Wes saw that in The Scouring of the Shire when he killed Saruman.
He is still capable of human emotions and caring about Eowyn's fate is one of them. I agree that his feelings for her were onviously highly selfish and that he probably did only want her as a trophy wife, but at the same time he was captivated by her. When he saw the huge army of uruks and realised that Rohan was doomed, he also realised that Eowyn would most probably dies, and this possibly upset him because he was about to lose something that he had desired for so long.
Whilst he would have welcomed the destruction of Rohan, the death of Eowyn would be a different matter, which woul leave him feeling a bit conflicted. Having said that, i don't think he woud have felt great remorse for it although i know I implied that before. I think he would have blamed Saruman, not himself, so i don't agree that remorse would have been a motivation for him killing saruman.
I think that came out of his humiliation at how he was treated by saruman. FrankHopkins and Flater - as I commented in chat, I don't agree with that interpretation of that scene. Even if I did, I don't think it relates at all to the one tear Grima shed at the site of the Uruk-hai army.
He's a slimy evil guy his name is "literally" grimy ; he is the kind of person to find a massive fighting force of evil a "beautiful" thing at which to shed a tear in awe.
Show 1 more comment. After Isengard's fall he seems willing to accept Theoden's offer of redemption. He eventually kills Saruman after the latter deeply insulted Rohan. In a conversation with Eomer it is shown he wanted Eowyn as price for his betrayal. This indicates he both did not think Rohan to fall and he wanted a strong tie to the remaining country, choosing a wife of Royal descent, probably even ruling it as a Vazal of Saruman though I admit this is a bit of conjecture.
Up until the events of the movie he was working a long con, essentially crippling the Rohan Military and head of state, but not to his knowledge bringing the destruction of Rohan.
The tear comes directly after Saruman stating "There will be no dawn for Men", or more specifically the Rohirrim. Saruman: Tens of thousands. Grima: But, my lord, there is no such force. Its victory is at hand! The camera focuses back on Saruman who then raises his hands in the air] Saruman: To war!! I'm not seeing how you go from a "'hah, Your whole race is going to die! Actual tears of sadness about the end of one's known world make more sense than tears of joy about his absolute conversion.
It seemed very clear to me that it was a tear shed upon seeing a thing of utter beauty Grima is in general a very anti-Rohan character who hates the people in charge of the place. This is a much more accurate explanation of the movie than the accepted answer, which seems completely made up even in the extended version there is no indication Grima is sad about losing out on some potential love interest.
Community Bot 1. Konrad Rudolph Konrad Rudolph 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges. Featured on Meta. Why is Grima crying?
Analysis by Figwit Council of Elrond. I think he is Human, and represents the other side of the coin: where Boromir fails but forgives himself, Grima is unable to acknowledge the first mistake, and covers every mistake up by making another one, and another one….
Website: Councilofelrond. Category : Use by in a sentence. Would , Wormtongue , Where. Website: Walldiscover. Category : Use words in a sentence. We , Why , Wormtongue , Wallpaper.
The lord of the rings Why did Grima shed a tear. He's a slimy evil guy his name is "literally" grimy ; he is the kind of person to find a massive fighting force of evil a "beautiful" thing at which to shed a tear in awe. Website: Movies. Grima Wormtongue MiddleEarth Encyclopedia. He was appointed as the counsellor of King Theoden of Rohan, but betray the King by weakening his mind to prepare for Saruman's invasion of Rohan.
Grima followed Saruman until he turned against him at the end of the war, and Grima and his master's deaths were the last deaths during the war. Website: Middle-earthencyclopedia. Lord of the rings Why did Grima Wormtongue choose the. I have no factual evidence for this but the impression I get from this exchange is that Wormtongue is doing this to spite Saruman in some way. By the end of the book we know that Wormtongue is totally dominated by Saruman and hates him intensely.
Why , Wormtongue , Way , We. Grima Wormtongue : tolkienfans reddit. Just Now Grima Wormtongue. Posted by 6 years ago. Grima Wormtongue. Then I stood still, forgetting war in Middle-earth; for their wailing voices spoke to me of the Sea.
Website: Reddit. Tolkiens legendarium Why does Grima Wormtongue have. Why don't the Uruk'Hai bleed when their limbs are severed? Why did Grima Wormtongue choose the Palantir to throw? Who nicknamed Grima ' Wormtongue '? Category : Use have in a sentence. Why , Wormtongue , When , Who. Just Now "Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest. He ends up being the killer of Saruman, in the last climactic chapter of The Return of the King.
Little is known of. Website: Lotr. Category : Use to in a sentence. Which , Wormtongue , Was. Saruman in the Shire: how long had he been planning it? What did Saruman mean by "Something festers in the heart of Middle-earth"?