It is occupied solely by Mr. House , the ruler of New Vegas , and his Securitrons. The most prominent element of the New Vegas skyline, the Lucky 38 is a pre- War relic and an enduring monument to Mr.
House's vision of Las Vegas: luxury without decadence, refinement without elitism, class without snobbery. As part of the establishment's pre-War history, a mob shootout took place in the nearby Ultra-Luxe casino on July 13, and one of the alleged perpetrators holed up in the Lucky 38 with the money stolen from a recent heist.
The individual was able to escape the room at the Lucky 38 through a window. Aside from the varied and colorful past of the establishment, many other developments were occurring in the years leading up to the war. Robert House thoroughly modified the building in preparation for the upcoming apocalypse.
Accurate long-range laser cannons linked to massive processing centers were installed on top of the tower to defend against nuclear warheads. House's withdrawal from society: a preservation chamber built into the core of the penthouse floor, where the potentate sacrificed his mortal shell in return for immortality.
Due to the unfortunate timing of the Great War, the chip never arrived. House nevertheless managed to destroy a majority of the warheads aimed at the Mojave, but eventually suffered a critical system crash and was forced into a coma. Only the odd Securitron, controlled by Mr. House after he awoke in , left the premises to survey the wasteland and bring news of the developments.
An army of Securitrons poured out of the Lucky 38, quickly destroying hostile tribals on the Strip and securing the location. House struck a deal with the three largest tribes, providing them with clothes, tools, and supplies from stockpiles in the Lucky 38 in return for renovating the city and preparing for the arrival of the NCR.
As of , the Lucky 38 remains closed to the public. Directly inside the front door is the main casino floor, fit with gambling tables and slot machines that cannot be played. The cashier's room is to the left. In the center of the main floor is the elevator. Victor must be spoken to in order to use the elevator so long as House is alive, but otherwise, the player character can operate the elevator independently.
The cocktail lounge is near the top of the Lucky 38, beneath the penthouse. Companions are not allowed inside. The room is filled with empty tables, cash registers with small amounts of pre-War money, unplayable slot machines, and other assorted miscellaneous items. There is an Average locked safe with some decent loot inside, and a Hard locked briefcase containing C-4 plastic explosive , a detonator , and a silenced. The Test Site snow globe can also be found here, tucked behind one of the cash registers.
The penthouse is on the highest level of the Lucky Companions are not allowed inside, similar to the cocktail lounge. House's control center is located here, down the stairs and to the left of the elevator. Jane is found directly in front of the elevator, and can exchange snowglobes for caps. To the right is a bedroom. Skrufmeister Did you get boone back after the patch? User Info: LeifLongbottom. He's probably just killing some time in a Legion camp or something, lol That's what I would do.
It would be nice if he showed up at 38 with loot from his kills then. You've been busy. More topics from this board Reminiscing about this game patchless. Where is the Vault 34 key?? Side Quest 2 Answers Can and how do I join the white glove? Build 8 Answers Killing the Van Graffs? Side Quest 2 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Lucky 38 also has nothing.
I'm pretty sure my Boone is gone wandering the wastes somewhere, and the chances of me being able to find him again are very slim. Honestly, this has pretty much ruined my game. I have no save that old to revert to, and I'm playing as a sniper character who can really put Boone's perk to use.
Such a shame. This makes me want to return Vegas. Shad0ws Fury. Anyone have any ideas or am I totally screwed here? User Info: Ray Same thing happened to me, with Ed-E then all of a sudden he appears in Vault 22 when I was doing a quest.
Then it left me. So I go back to primm to get it back. It was then Hostile towards me. After this happened all of the stuff I stashed in my room in the lucky 38 casino was gone.
I can't forgive him! All companions have a place to go if you haven't unlocked Lucky Main Menu. Or some random bugs make them stuck or disappear. Favorite Answer.
You can re-hire them there by talking to them again and asking them to join you for another fancy adventure. The fact that the big patch is supposed to teleport companions after you dismiss them directly to where they first start has me thinking that Boone has … All rights reserved.
This happened to me as well the first time I dismissed him. It is possible to have up to two legitimately acquired companions in the party one humanoid and one non-humanoid.
The NCR, Mr. House, and Caesar's Legion are battling it out for control of New Vegas. My friend says that you cans send companions back to the Lucky 38 instead of back to their homes if you have the Penthouse, yet even though I have the Penthouse I can't send Boone, EDE or Cass back to the Lucky What do you think?
Say what you will about Bethesda, but they really mastered this atmosphere, and New Vegas did not have as much of it. Home; About; Services; Contact; the human league seconds Best option to take if you are going to Dismiss a Follower is to send them back to the Lucky Fallout 3 has by far the best world.
They go back to wherever you first met them. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Fallout New Vegas. So I always go to the place and dismiss them.
All companions are missable. Yes they all go back to where you recruited them except Raul who goes to his home east of Vegas. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
You won't lose progress if you dismiss Boone, nor will you lose any quests from your log, but you can only make progress while he is with you. Before you read any further let me just say, this is my first play through of this game.