Add your rating. Parents say 31 Kids say Parent of a 2 and 7-year-old Written by MithrinIstari February 16, Disturbing I watched this movie as a young child.
While rewatching it with my own children I was disgusted and horror struck and turned it off. Smoking and drinking is one thing but criminal activity, child trafficking and caged children make this movie a dark and disturbing tale that should stay in the past.
I will not threaten my children with tales of kidnap and slavery. This review Helped me decide. Had useful details. Read my mind 3. Report this review. Adult Written by jbarling December 17, Wow, I wish I had watched this again before letting my kids see it.
Or I wish I had at least checked here and read the parent reviews first! Use of the word "jackass," scary and mature themes like slavery, smoking, drinking - way too much for little kids. Helped me decide 1. Read my mind 1.
Parent of a year-old Written by love2 October 3, I think they should have rated it PG Or atleast a PG because having it G rated with all that stuff in it is wrong! Should have a PG rating! Where to start? Dancing girls that are scantily clad, caged up lead character, reliance on someone else to be your conscience, the clocks in the store are suggestive, excessive use of the word "jackass", not to mention drinking and smoking, spitting, and misbehaving.
I'm sorry we bought it I was hoping old school Disney would be sweet and nice for my 4 year old. Not so much! Had useful details 1. Adult Written by djblue3 June 17, Delightful, Disney classic has extremely mature themes This Disney movie has many great lessons and characters,but its the way that they deliver the message thats a bit iffy.
Pinocchio is kidnapped in one scene and is broken out. Everything else really is fine except for one prolonged scene at a place called Pleasure Island, that the themes are very mature.
There the children that go there drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. Overall, this movie is great, but extremely mature. This title contains: Positive Messages. Disney, you are a genius! I really loved this movie when I was a kid! This is one of the animated movies that really made Walt Disney a mastermind of animation!
Now that I'm older, I really miss this movie. Maybe it's on YouTube! There weren't even any tinker toys. What's up with that? Anyway, once boys prove themselves bad enough, they magically turn into donkeys, and through some unclear trade agreement, end up working in the mines until they die from sheer exhaustion.
Look, maybe parents in the early s needed this negative reinforcement of good values to scare into their kids, but nowadays, this is a dark, unexplainable fact, often forgotten when a parent goes to show Pinocchio to their kid for the first time. Back when Pinocchio gets captured by Stromboli and the Blue Fairy rescues him, she says it's the last time she can help him out.
What the heck, lady? You bring a sentient wooden puppet into existence, peace out with some vague instructions about how it's up to the wooden puppet to be good enough to fill Geppetto's wishes, and then show up to teach Pinocchio not to lie and to say you won't be around anymore to help him out. First off, are you trying to give the wishkid abandonment issues?
If so, good job! Plus, if you're a fairy, it's likely that you have some sort of foreknowledge of how this is going to all shake out. Why not reserve the one "save" for when Pinocchio is headed to Pleasure Island?
She doesn't even stay true to her word, because when the little wooden half-boy gets out of Pleasure Island only half turned into a donkey, she sends a message, via dove, that Geppetto has gone to look for Pinocchio and got swallowed by a big, evil whale.
So not only does she lie, herself, when Pinocchio isn't supposed to, she doesn't help as much as she could have. Bad Blue Fairy. Pinocchio's death was the first Disney death ever. In fact, Pinocchio may have been what started it. So Pinocchio drowns trying to save his father and him breathing underwater just fine when he's looking for Monstro is totally not a thing, by the way and he proves that he is brave and unselfish.
But his little wooden body is prone and still in the ocean, and Jiminy, Geppetto, and even the fish cry over his little waterlogged body. Like that isn't going to cause nightmares. So Pinocchio gets to be a real boy, Geppetto's fondest wish is granted, all the clocks go crazy, Jiminy gets a medal, there's some dancing, and everybody lives happily ever after.
But do they? No bad deed do-er goes unpunished in this extremely messed-up children's tale. Stromboli keeps on doing what he's doing. Honest John is still dishonest. The coachman carries on, and Pleasure Island is still a temporary home to wayward boys on their way to donkey slavedom.
Nobody goes and rights those wrongs, so what lessons are we supposed to learn? How about that Pinocchio is a totally messed-up movie that doesn't have any place in a young child's brainspace? Geppetto is a little old to be a single dad. Then things get personal when Pinocchio, the audience surrogate, grows ears and a tail of his own, braying in horror all the while.
Pinocchio escapes before he can become a total jackass, but—and I forgot this part—our hero remains an unholy union of wood and donkey flesh for the rest of the movie. I have to tell myself that Pinocchio sent his omnipotent benefactor to Pleasure Island to rescue all those children, because the other option is too grim. Thanks for the nightmares, Pinocchio!
Still, I should be thankful because in the original novel, Donkey-nocchio is sold to a ringmaster who wants to skin him and use his flesh for a drum. The ringmaster chucks Pinocchio into the sea to drown him so he can get that skin. Where to Stream: Pinocchio Share Selection Facebook Twitter. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.