As a result, there always will be leftover kernels when you finish popping. But ours is a perverse society. So some people continue cooking, trying to pop every last kernel, or gather up the unpopped kernels and try popping them later.
Both are bad ideas. Overcooking popcorn is unlikely to yield additional volume. Corn kernels, whether made in a microwave, skillet or electric popper, become popcorn by getting very hot very fast.
This excites the moisture inside the kernel, rapidly building pressure so high that the kernel literally explodes. When a kernel is heated inefficiently i.
Yes, you can reuse unpopped popcorn kernels and reheat them. You can use a pan or microwave to reheat the kernels. You can also soak the unpopped kernels before reheating for better results. Yes, you can repop unpopped popcorn kernels on the stove. Just put the unpopped kernels into paper bag and fold the upper part of the bag to seal it and place it in microwave. Yes, you can eat microwave popcorn the next day. However, in some instances, the quality of the popcorn may deteriorate as time goes by.
So it is important to eat the food immediately after cooking and popcorn is not an exception. If stored correctly, unpopped popcorn kernels may last longer.
However, it does not mean that the kernels can last forever. Popcorn kernels can last for several months. But again this depends on how you stored them. I recommend to consume popcorn within months after buying. Skip to content Many people love popcorn, especially when watching TV at home. Preheat a pot or pan. Pour oil onto the pan. You can use vegetable or coconut oil. Do not use olive oil. Once the oil gets hot, pour the kernels in. Swirl and wait until all the kernels are popped.
Can I Boil Popcorn Kernels? Unpopped popcorn kernels are called spinsters or old maids. Once the packaging is open, cook the popcorn to enjoy its taste and texture. Repeat the process as necessary.
Final Thoughts Cooking popcorn kernels sometimes may not end up successfully. Related Questions Can I reuse unpopped popcorn? Can you repop unpopped popcorn kernels on the stove? Can you eat microwave popcorn the next day? You should have easily seen the difference in popcorn size and volume once you put the kernels into the glasses at the end of the activity. Cleanup Clean all your dishes.
Make sure to let the oil in the pot cool down before you add any water to it. You can eat—and share—all of your popped popcorn. This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies. Already a subscriber? Sign in. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. See Subscription Options. Go Paperless with Digital. Materials Adult helper Stove Pot with lid Vegetable oil Heat-resistant bowl with a lid Oven mitts Teaspoon Unpopped popcorn at least 70 kernels Sharp knife Three small cylindrical glasses Scale that can measure 0.
Ask an adult helper to carefully crack open the hull of all 20 kernels from one pile with a sharp knife. This is best done by making a deep cut into the softer white part at the tip of the kernel. The kernel should be kept whole not split into pieces but the hull should be cracked. Set your oven to degrees F. Place one pile of 20 uncracked popcorn kernels into a heat-resistant bowl and put them in the oven for about 30 minutes. Use the oven mitts when you take them out.
Let them cool down to room temperature afterward. How do the kernels look when they come out of the oven? Did the appearance of the kernels change? Keep the last piles of kernels as they are. With the help of an adult put the pot on the stove and add two teaspoons of vegetable oil into the pot. Turn on the stove and set it to high.
Make sure you never work on the stove without adult supervision. Put three of the extra popcorn kernels not from your three piles into the pot, close the lid and wait until they pop.
You can swirl the pot a little in between so the kernels don't get burned. Procedure Once the three kernels have popped, remove them with a spoon and turn the heat down to medium. Add the pile of 20 regular, untreated, popcorn kernels into the pot and swirl it slightly to cover all the kernels with oil.
Tilt the lid on the pot so steam can escape but be careful not to let hot oil splash out of the pot. Wait a maximum of two minutes until all the kernels have popped or the popping has stopped. After two minutes take the pot from the stove and remove all 20 kernels. Put them aside for now—don't eat them yet! Be careful—you might need to wait for them to cool before you can count them.
How many of the kernels have popped? What size are the flakes? Are they big or small? What color are they? Are they dark, brown or yellow? Was the popping sound very loud? Take the pot from the stove and replenish the vegetable oil if necessary.
Again, add three regular popcorn kernels not from your pile and wait until they all pop. Remove them from the pot before you proceed. Now, take the pile of cracked popcorn kernels that you cut with a knife and add them to the pot.