To win this matchup you just need to wait for him to make a mistake. A small tip, although maybe not practical is that if you are ulting and Jarvan wall is right infront of you, cancel your ult. If you timed it right you will jump over his wall which can be useful if trying to escape or chase him. Kennen has good poke and a good stun. Be aware of the stacks of lightning on you, that's how you'll know if he's going to stun you. Just try to use your Q outside of his stun window. Use your E before or during his E to slow him down a good amount.
If you're ever in danger and in his ult you can easily just ult away from him and get to safety. If the Kled is good you might have a hard time but overall, this matchup isn't bad. Just try to poke him down as much as possible to dismount him.
When he's dismounted, try to time your Q when he Q's so you can cancel his small dash and kill him. While he's dismounted his will be very easy to ult as he only has like movespeed, just make sure he doesn't have his Q ready or he might be able to dodge. Malphite does pretty good poke damage and will try to stop you from farming and basically just annoy you by spamming Q's on you. Malphite runs out of mana very fast though so you should be able to stay in lane longer than him. Abyssal Mask is a good purchase if the enemy jungler in not a big AD threat.
Malphite shouldn't be able to ever kill you unless you make a big mistake or get ganked. The enemy jungler will be the main threat in this matchup so just watch out for ganks. Ornn usually does pretty well in this matchup but he can't kill you unless you make a pretty big mistake. The junglers will be the deciding factor in this lane. Abyssal Mask can be a nice purchase to help you sustain against him in lane. Freezing the wave is a great strategy to beat Ornn, he'll have to walk all the way up to your tower to CS and he'll have no escape if your jungler comes to gank.
If it's Rengar top lane, he will be jumping in and out of bushes nonstop. He's going to jump to low health minions to last hit them. Just aim your Q over your low health minions while he's in the bush, so he'll either miss the minion s or get hit by your Q for a lot of damage and CC. Your E is pretty effective against him as well, slowing him down enough to not let him get back in the bush right away.
If he builds assassin, he shouldn't be able to oneshot you. If he goes tank or bruiser he'll be more of a threat. When he ults away, it's not worth trying to chase him, you won't catch him unless you have a teammate on him.
If you can consistently Q him at the right times and time or shield correctly you should be able to win this matchup fairly easily. He's pretty hard to kill though so don't greed for kills, just farm up and you'll be fine. Warwick top is a rare cheese pick, usually picked by one-tricks. He does okay into Sion but Sion should be able to win. Just buy healing reduction ASAP.
If he takes barrier, don't get baited by his low health, that's what he wants. Don't let him Q spam on you and if he does, punish him. If he doesn't start Doran's Ring or Corrupting Pot, he'll run out of mana fast. Once you get healing reduction he's pretty easy to deal with. For a tank, Shen does very high damage, almost like a bruiser. His early game trades are very strong. If he's good, he'll use his Q right as his passive and Grasp are up to win short trades and slowly chip away at your health.
Be aware of where his blade is, don't let him Q the blade through you as it will slow you and give him a lot more damage. When he's level 6, you need to shove minions to his tower nonstop, forcing him to miss a lot of minions if he wants to ult somewhere else. If you see him ulting, you can easily cancel it with your ult or your Q. Just be careful though, don't ult him if you're low as he'll just taunt you and kill you.
He does counter your passive very hard with his W, just blocking all of your autos but this is not a huge deal as Sion passive isn't that useful in most situations anyways. Poppy has a very good laning phase and plays like a bruiser. She does very high damage for a tank and will try to bully you. Her abilities are for the most part, very close range so you can easily retaliate when she tries to bully you.
Don't stand next to walls or she'll pin you against them and stun you. As long as you don't let her stun you, you should be okay. If you are smart about it, you could even bait her E by charging your Q, but I would only do that if you know you won't be stunned by it and you have minions to attack her. Her W does not stop your ult as it is not a dash so there's no need to worry about that.
This matchup might've been difficult if Abyssal Mask wasn't an item. Abyssal Mask was basically made for this situation. He's going to push you in a lot early game and you'll miss some CS. As soon as you get Abyssal Mask you will be able to sustain against him and keep up with his pushing. If he tries to proxy you killing the wave behind your tower before it gets to the middle of the lane , just ignore him and don't miss the CS at your tower.
Only try to kill him when your jungler is around, otherwise he'll just slow you and run away. Sylas, like all newer champions has a pretty crazy and overloaded kit. His heal is insane and he can dash out and stun you when you Q.
An early Executioner's Calling is a great purchase to reduce his healing don't upgrade it though. Just buy Abyssal Mask and wait for him to make a mistake and you'll be good.
If he's ever in trouble he'll likely steal your ult and run away with it but that's fine as it's a long cooldown and I've seen a lot of Sylas players mess up Sion ult cause they don't know how to use it. Wukong has very good, short trades. The key is to wait till he uses his E then use your E into your Q. Whenever he charges on you make sure you activate your shield to absorb most of the damage from his combo. He's pretty scary in the early game so just play safe.
Once you get some armor and health you should be able to fight him. After level 6 you have to be careful using your ult against him. He can easily just use his clone to block your ult so you should generally save your ult until him clone is down. Wukong is vulnerable to ganks so it would be a good idea to freeze the minions at your tower so he'll have to walk all the way up to farm. If your jungler comes it will be an easy kill. Gangplank is not much of a threat in lane but he will outscale you.
If he is good then you may actually have a bit of trouble in lane but most will GPs will be very easy to deal with. He will take minion aggro when he Q's you so if you can slow him with E or Q while he is tanking minions you will easily win a trade. If his orange is on cooldown he is easy to lockdown with CC and kill, especially with a jungler.
I like to take Comet and max E against gp to poke him down hard and punish him when he tries to Q you. Gnar is a little annoying but not too much of a threat. If he is Mini Gnar, you should be able to 1v1 him pretty easily as long as you can catch him. The best way to kill Mini Gnar is to run up to him and charge your Q, most Gnars will instinctively jump away which allows you to let go of your Q as soon as he jumps and cancel it.
This will leave him without an escape and could easily kill him. When he gets Mega Gnar, he can be a bit more of a threat. Just watch his rage bar and watch out for when he tries to engage on you. It's very easy to recognize Gnar's pattern and if you choose the right times to fight you will easily win this matchup. Quinn is annoying but she doesn't do that well against tanks. She'll poke you down a lot but you should be able to survive.
Her E will cancel your Q so watch out for that. She is quite vulnerable so if she ever makes any mistakes you can easily punish her. Try to freeze against her so she'll have to walk up to your tower to farm.
This will make her incredibly vulnerable to ganks as she has very few ways to escape. Assassins, like Qiyana don't do well against tanks. She should never be able to do enough damage to completely oneshot you. She can avoid your Q pretty easily in a couple ways but she shouldn't be much of a threat. Just try to wait out her abilities then retaliate.
He's going to shove you into tower a lot early game but he isn't very much of a threat. Get an Abyssal Mask to be able to sustain in lane and push the waves back to him. Rumble is extremely vulnerable to ganks so if you can, freezing is a good idea. You can easily just ult him when your jungle is near and he'll either have to flash or likely die.
Pretty easy to beat the reworked Pantheon. You are too tanky for him to kill you. Watch out for the first few levels though. You can also stop his W in midair before he reaches you if you time your Q right. Just try not to die early game and you will outscale him and be way more useful. Swain seems to mostly be played bot lane these days.
If you do end up facing him in lane he'll try to poke you down but he really doesn't do that much damage. His abilities have very short range so just fight back when you get the chance. Abyssal Mask is a good first item against him. Try not to Q right in front of him, it will allow him to get a from E and pull of on you. Swain is very vulnerable to ganks so, if possible try to setup your jungler by freezing your wave and setting up a good pink ward. Only problem with Heimerdinger is the fact that he'll shove lanes to your tower nonstop.
You need a mana item Abyssal Mask to keep up with him and shove your waves. You can actually throw his turrets with your E, allowing you to reposition them to better manage your waves. You can even throw his turrets towards your tower so your tower fires at it. He will not be much of a threat at all unless his jungler comes. Lissandra will poke you down a lot but she really doesn't do enough damage to be a real threat.
If she ever gets too close to you just use your E to slow her into your Q. If she tries to E away you can Q her and stun her so she can't take it if she's not quick enough. You could also ult her right when she takes her E. Overall, just don't let her bully you and always try to fight her while still farming and you should win this matchup. It's unlikely that you'll face a Karthus in lane but if you do, he'll be very easy to deal with. He is extremely immobile, use that to your advantage.
Always look to fight him and get in his face. Don't let him farm, don't let him poke you. Level 6, just E him and ult him then Q and he'll either be dead or very close to it.
He has no way to escape that combo unless he has flash. Annie's stun is really the only threat she has. Just try to not use Q when her stun is ready and you'll be good. When she uses Tibbers you can actually E Tibbers to throw him away from you, just be careful to not throw him too far away from Annie or he'll teleport back to her.
Kayle has a very weak laning phase, you must use this to your advantage or she will outscale you. Always look to E her into your Q for poke and trades. Don't let her farm for free. She is basically a melee champion pre You might want to ask for ganks if she's pushing your lane as she's very vulnerable and Sion can setup ganks very well. Very easy matchup for Sion.
Start Doran's Ring and max E. Spam your E, throwing minions at him to poke him. If you are close enough, run up after you land E to Q him. There's not much he can do in this matchup.
Rush Magic Resist items and health. Viego is a really frustrating champion to deal with. His base kit isn't too crazy but his ability to become other champions is incredibly unbalanced. The fact that he does not use mana and that his auto attacks give him bonus healing from enemies that he lands his abilities on allows him to take nonstop aggressive trades and remain at high health over a long period of time. He WILL out sustain you in the laning phase. The best way to deal with him is to rush Bramble Vest to reduce his healing and Plated Steelcaps to further reduce his damage.
I recommend starting with Corrupting Potion and taking Biscuits in runes so that you can sustain a bit more in the laning phase to and keep up with him. His early game is fairly weak too and if you and the jungler setup a couple ganks on him early you should be able to shut him down before he can start to ramp up. Like with all top lane matchups, if you can freeze the enemy wave a little outside your tower range then he will have to walk all the way up to farm minions, making him very vulnerable to ganks.
Gwen is another new champion that is very annoying to deal with. She has a short cooldown dash that she can use to dodge your abilities and weave in and out of trades with you. She does really crazy on-hit damage and she really ramps up to try not to take long fights with her. If you can do consistent short trades you should be fine as long as she doesn't all in you. You really have to dodge her Q and her R if you really want to win the matchup.
Rush some magic resist as she does mostly magic damage. If you freeze your wave against her she will have to run all the way up to farm making her very vulnerable to jungle ganks. Join or Log In. Join the leading League of Legends community. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Login Social Login. Create Account Social Register.
Vote Vote. Sion Build Guide by Stinkee "Slay the strong, trample the weak! Did this guide help you? If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. You can even win prizes by doing so! I liked this Guide. I didn't like this Guide. Vote Comment. Comment Would you like to add a comment to your vote? Thank You! Choose Champion Build:.
Runes: Grasp vs most matchups 1 2 3 4 5. Spells: 1 2. Ignite Flash. Ranked 52 in Top Lane. Items Starting Items. Standard Start. Corrupting Potion. Against Poke Teemo, Jayce, etc. Doran's Shield Health Potion. Boot Options. Against AD. Plated Steelcaps. Mercury's Treads. Early Item Options. Bami's Cinder. Against auto attacker. Bramble Vest. Building Stridebreaker. Ironspike Whip. Mythic Item Options. Slow on basic attack.
Frostfire Gauntlet. Damage and Tanky. Sunfire Aegis. Turbo Chemtank. Damage and Slow. Divine Sunderer. Full Build Examples. Split Pusher.
Good Armor Options. Against Crit Dmg. Randuin's Omen. Anti Healing. Mana and Att Speed Slow. Frozen Heart. Good MR Options. Team Damage. Abyssal Mask. Force of Nature.
Ability Haste and Shield Size. Spirit Visage. Good Peel Options. Protect the Carry. Knight's Vow. Boost Ally Damage. Zeke's Convergence. Aoe Heal and Damage. Cleanse CC for Ally. Mikael's Blessing. Good Health or Mixed Resist Options. Gargoyle Stoneplate. Health and Regen. Warmog's Armor. Anathema's Chains. Good Damage Options. Auto Attack Damage. Titanic Hydra. Damage and Armor. Death's Dance.
Damage and Shield. Sterak's Gage. Decimating Smash Q Q. Soul Furnace W W. Roar of the Slayer E E. Unstoppable Onslaught R R. Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny. Show All. None Low Ok Strong Ideal.
Extreme Threats. Ideal Synergies. Ideal Strong Ok Low None. Runes: Phase Rush Speed Boost 1 2 3. Standard Flash. Items Starting Item Options. Long Sword Refillable Potion. High Damage and Dash. Prowler's Claw. Defensive vs. Defensive Vs. Boots of Swiftness. Ability Haste. Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Lethality Item Options. Great Movespeed. Youmuu's Ghostblade.
Sanguine Blade. Great Anti Shield. Serpent's Fang. Good Burst and Execute. The Collector. Okay De-ward. Umbral Glaive. Okay Spell Shield. Edge of Night. The longer the cast time, the higher the damage.
In addition, if it is held for at least one second, enemies hit by the ability will be knocked up between 1. Since the mana cost for this ability is extremely low and has a decent range, Sion is able to constantly zone enemy champion from cs with ease.
Sion shields himself that scales based on maximum health and AP. This shield lasts for six seconds, however, after half of its duration has passed, Sion can activate the ability again to detonate the shield, dealing damage to nearby enemies damage also scales on max HP and AP. Sion deals damage in a medium ranged line towards the targeted direction. The first enemy minion or non-epic monster hit will be shot towards the cursor, extending the range of the damage area.
Sion becomes unstoppable and gains increasing movement speed towards a target direction. However, enemy champion hit will be dealt scaling damage based on the distance of the charge, knocked up for 0. There are multiple ways to start a fight with Sion. Farm it up: While it is possible to abuse a handful of champions in the early game, Sion is very vulnerable to ganks prior to level six and is innately a scaling champion.
Try to farm safely, preferably on your side of the lane. The more farm you get, the more health you gain through your W passive making him an absolutely monster in the late game. Darius: While Sion is strongest against melee champion, he often gets countered by Darrius. This is because Darius tends to build similar items as Sion, making him fairly tanky and un-killable since Sion only has some burst. On the other hand, Darius has constant damage and fairly good sustain through his Q.
To counter Sion as Darius, rush a ninja tabi and black cleaver. Gnar: Sion gets destroyed by Gnar, not only is he a range champion which can poke Sion, Gnar has good mobility, max health damage and is also tanky. It is extremely hard for Sion to stay in lane against a Gnar as he lacks sustain and is unable to all in Gnar, since Gnar can easily kite Sion who is extremely immobile.
It is best to build semi tank with a hint of damage. This ensures Sion is not only able to stay alive in fights, but remain threat to the enemy teams.
Deceit goes to some dark, difficult places. Did you manage to separate yourself from that? That added an element of focus that sustained itself through the entire shoot. You could never take your foot off the gas. Some of the scenes are built out of verbatim transcripts and recordings.
Did you listen to those? No, Emilia and production had access, but all I needed was the script. We work in very similar ways, which got us into a nice routine so we could think of ideas to play things together. We were outside and it was freezing when we shot those date scenes, so it was nice to feel you could really bounce off someone. What will people be able to relate to about him and his story? The main thing I found staggering was how he was demonised by sections of the press because he was seen to be other and different.
The very things people tried to use to highlight his strangeness, the paganism and Wicca religion, all come down to his respect for any living thing and a belief in kind spirits. He seems amazingly zen, probably thanks to the very thing he was being vilified for in the first place, which is a massive credit to him. Yes, but not every media outlet is trying to vilify people. It was important that the case was given the weight of coverage it had, because it was hugely important, even as that put more pressure on the police.
You would hope lessons can be learnt, that people could be more open-minded and tolerant and want to understand different viewpoints. Tolerance is something we could all have a bit more of.