Why cant hagrid do magic

He loves creatures, anything from his large dog Fang to the giant spider he raised from an egg, Aragog. In fact, it was his loyalty to Aragog that got him expelled in the first place: Hagrid was caught trying to get Aragog out of the castle after a Muggle-born girl had been killed by the Chamber of Secrets monster. The circumstantial evidence points straight at Aragog as the killer and Hagrid as the Heir of Slytherin.

Hagrid has no way to prove his innocence. It was my word against Hagrid's, Harry. Well, you can imagine how it looked to old Armando Dippet. On the one hand, Tom Riddle, poor but brilliant, parentless but so brave, school prefect, model student…on the other hand, big, blundering Hagrid, in trouble every other week, trying to raise werewolf cubs under his bed, sneaking off to the Forbidden Forest to wrestle trolls…but I admit, even I was surprised at how well the plan worked.

In other words, Hagrid's kindliness and love of magical creatures is precisely what prejudices Headmaster Dippet against him. We do not know the exact details of why it was broken rather than destroyed or confiscated. Perhaps broken wands are untrackable and Dumbledore, knowing this, pulled strings so Hagrid could still use whatever magic was left without the Ministry tracking his wand Dumbledore always knew Hagrid didn't do it.

Another possibility is discrimination on account of Hagrid's part-giant lineage. Perhaps his wand wasn't supposed to be broken, but someone at the Ministry got mad.

It's also plausible that this was an older law that got phased out after the incident with Hagrid. As I argued in this answer , I believe the reason why Hagrid was not allowed to have a wand or use magic is simply that he was expelled, and that is the standard consequence for expulsion.

The reason for this is that someone without a magical education cannot be trusted with a wand. This explains why students who attend other schools, are home-schooled, or dropped out of school in their seventh year Fred and George are allowed to have wands and use magic — they do have a magical education. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 9 years, 9 months ago. Active 2 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 54k times. Improve this question. Zibbobz Slytherincess Slytherincess k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. As Hagrid occupies so much of the motorcycle's saddle, a sidecar has been added, into which Harry uncomfortably squeezes himself, his rucksack, his broom, and Hedwig 's cage.

The motorcycle has further been modified to emit brick walls, nets, and dragon fire out of its tailpipe; these are used against the pursuing Death Eaters with limited effect, and in fact the first use of the dragon fire addition results in the sidecar mountings failing partway.

Hagrid's later attempt to repair the mountings results in them shearing completely, and Harry and the sidecar fall off. Hagrid circles around and collects Harry from the falling sidecar, from which Harry is only able to retrieve his rucksack. Once the pursuing Death Eaters determine that this is the real Harry, they break off the attack; at Harry's urging, Hagrid then uses the dragon fire again to speed them towards the Tonks home.

Many Death Eaters, including Voldemort , catch up with them near the end of the journey; Hagrid at one point leaps off the motorcycle to wrestle with a Death Eater who is trying to curse Harry, and falls from there to the ground. When Harry reaches him later, he does not seem to be moving, but Harry then loses consciousness.

Hagrid comes in shortly after that. Ted ushers them over to the Portkey which will take them to The Burrow, and while they are waiting for the Portkey to activate, Hagrid asks where Hedwig is. Harry has to tell him that Hedwig is dead; she had been struck early in the battle by a killing curse intended for Harry.

Once they reach The Burrow , Hagrid largely moves into the background of the action, trying to recover his nerves with brandy and Firewhiskey. Hagrid is present for Harry's birthday, wearing his best, hairy, horrible suit, and gives him a Mokeskin bag. This is used for valuables; things placed in it can only be retrieved by the owner. Harry will use it to keep a number of objects which he feels are valuable throughout the book.

The wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour is the following day, so Hagrid stays overnight; however, The Burrow is far too full to allow him any place to stay, so he sets up a tent in a neighboring field.

He is mentioned briefly as, just before the wedding, he mistakes where he is meant to sit and crushes an entire row of folding chairs, before being shown the reinforced bench which was intended for him.

When Ginny Weasley , Neville Longbottom , and Luna Lovegood try to steal Gryffindor's sword, they are given detention, which is apparently served with Hagrid. At the battle at Hogwarts, Hagrid appears, flying in through a window; apparently he has been visiting Grawp in his cave outside Hogsmeade, and when he was called to the battle, he asked Grawp to set him down inside the walls. Grawp, misunderstanding him, had thrown him through the window.

Later in the battle, he is carried away by giant spiders , children of Aragog. He is later found in the clearing where Aragog's children lived, which has been commandeered by the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters force Hagrid to carry Harry's apparently-lifeless body back to the lawns in front of Hogwarts. Hagrid is evidently crying too hard to notice the pulse beating strongly in Harry's throat. When hostilities re-open, and Harry hides under his cloak, Hagrid is the first to notice that he has vanished. One of Hagrid's main strengths is that he is a half-Giant. This means that his tough skin protects him against many spells and physical injuries. He is also immensely strong physically.

Although a half-Giant might be expected to be fierce, Hagrid is one of the most soft-hearted people Harry knows. However, he can fight when necessary. He is one of Dumbledore's most trusted friends. Hagrid is also unafraid of most physical threats, standing up to a squad of armed Centaurs, dealing with the vicious Blast-Ended Skrewts, and trying to domesticate a dragon.

It could be said that this bravery is a weakness, as it tends to lead him into situations that are untenable for those who are traveling with him, such as the Trio. Hagrid's half-Giant status allows him to interact and negotiate with Giants at a level that humans cannot, as evidenced in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He also interacts with many dangerous animals in a way that not many wizards would dare. His relative strength makes the threats that they pose seem insignificant to him, and so he can consider treating a dragon as a pet.

After he was accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets, he was expelled and forbidden to do magic. His wand was snapped in two the pieces were later reassembled and hidden in a pink umbrella, which never seems to be far from Hagrid.

This seriously hindered his magical education, and as a result, he is rather poor at casting spells. Hagrid has an unusual obsession with all "interesting" creatures—which usually means very dangerous ones.

He tends to forget just how dangerous certain animals can be, and so has gotten Harry and his friends into some bad situations. Perhaps ironically, it is his physical strength that proves a weakness here; being half-Giant, he is extremely strong, and thus is able to deal with quite dangerous creatures, but he tends to forget that others are not as strong as he is.

On several occasions, Hagrid has allowed facts to slip out that he was meant to keep secret. We see this a number of times in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone , for instance, when he reveals the connection with Nicolas Flamel, and the method of bypassing the three-headed dog.

The tendency continues through the entire series; in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , we see Hagrid revealing that he has overheard a conversation between Dumbledore and Snape.

Emotionally, Hagrid seems quite immature, for all that he is apparently about 60 years old. His immediate reaction to almost any setback is to retreat from all contact, and possibly to get drunk. He shares Harry's tendency to try and run away from troubles; unlike Harry, though, he never turns of his own volition to face the problem, only doing so when he is forced, often by Dumbledore or by the Trio.

His confidence is easily destroyed when dealing with antagonistic people, notably Draco Malfoy, Draco's father Lucius, and Professor Umbridge. Hagrid is not the best cook. The Trio usually avoids Hagrid's offerings, particularly his rock cakes that are more rock than cake. Hagrid's attempts at cooking are something of a running joke throughout the series, though apparently the birthday cakes that he has made for Harry over the years have been well received.

During Harry's fourth year , he developed a romantic relationship with the half-giant headmistress of Beauxbatons, Madame Maxime. He has generally been friendly with Harry, Ron, and Hermione through the series.

His opinion is valued by Dumbledore, who allowed Hagrid to stay as Grounds Keeper after being expelled.

Hagrid has deep respect to Professor Dumbledore. Anyone who dared tried to insult or hurt Dumbledore in his face suffered Hagrid's wrath. For example, when Vernon Dursley insulted Dumbledore by calling him a "crackpot old fool", Hagrid retaliates by giving Dudley a pig's tail. Hagrid hates the Dursleys as he angrily calls them out on their abuse and even aimed his umbrella at Vernon either to use a spell or spear him in the chest when he insulted Harry's parents.

Hagrid is interesting in part because of what he is not. It seems initially that Hagrid is to be a sort of a father figure for Harry, with his size, gentleness, kindness towards Harry, and the fact that it was Hagrid who rescued him from his horrible aunt and uncle.

However, while he is a comfort and a confidante for Harry, the father figure role would sit very awkwardly on him. Hagrid is an odd hybrid of maturity and immaturity, which makes him a sort of a conduit between the professors and the Trio. So, while Harry genuinely likes Hagrid and respects him, it is not as an adult; rather, Harry sees him as one at largely his own level: an instructor perhaps in the ways of wizards, but not a father figure.

In fact, Harry, Hermione, and Ron on several occasions act as sort of a combined parent figure for Hagrid:. Add to this Hagrid's habit of responding to every setback, and every victory, by getting drunk — in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , he seems to be able to get reeling drunk within half an hour of Buckbeak's escape — and we can see that, even at an apparent age of 60 years, Hagrid is still often reacting like an adolescent.

Hagrid does show a certain amount of maturity, of course; his decision to bring his half-brother Grawp back with him, to attempt to civilize Grawp, and in particular the resolve with which he sticks to that decision, shows that the mission to the Giants, and possibly the influence of Olympe Maxime, have matured him. Of course he can, though he is not supposed to, at least not in the first two books.

In fact, we see him do so twice in the early chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone , once when he gives Dudley a pig's tail , and once when he sends the boat back to the mainland by tapping it with his umbrella.

Hermione asks, before Hallowe'en in that same book, whether he has used an Engorgement Charm on the pumpkins in his garden, and he admits to having done so, without directly saying he did use magic. He's HUGE, strong, authorized to have a wand and have magical abilities because of his wizard blood, and have a spell-resistant skin thanks to his giant blood. In other times and with a little more of intelligence he could have been a great hero or something!

Another said: " Hagrid has no Patronus. I pity him not having enough happy memories to conjure one. In June, she finally shed light on why Harry's aunt and uncle had such a problem with their nephew.

Why can't Hagrid perform magic? Patricia Immel asked, updated on July 13th, ; Topic: hagrid. Follow this link for full answer Ever, why did Hagrid not get his wand back? Else, is Hagrid a powerful wizard?

What is Hagrid's Patronus? Dumbledore suspected that Voldemort was behind the attacks the first time the Chamber was opened, even if he wasn't able to prove anything.

He persuaded Dippet to keep Hagrid and train him as gamekeeper.


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