After Darkshore I went to ashenvale and for the exception of 1 quest which I still need to do still green I did all the rest. The BFD quests have all been done as well. I headed to Stonetalon and did the quests there with the exception of one, which was a real pain, get smoldering embers from elementals. The drop rate was aweful and since I was doing this mostly alone I was getting ganked non-stop. Since I felt that I was short on rep, I headed to duskwood and did most of the quest I could.
I also completed both a donation of wool and a donation of silk which both awarded me with rep each as human. I m not sure this makes any difference but I did some gnomeragan and stockades quests and possibly some deadmines, however I never did any of the quests in places like westfall or redridge only some elite quests.
Maybe you can point out what my mistake was or perhaps I should be expecting to get more rep from certain zones like feralas? I am doing quests in Feralas and have done all the NE quests in my level.
I have Felwood left on my to do list. Dont forget cloth turnins the only way you can hit exalted before p2 is runecloth turn ins. Your initial turn in is 60 runecloth for about 6k XP and about rep bonus. But this quest is repeatable at this point for only 20 runecloth each for a bonus of 50 faction rep. Now the fun part is if your human.
Keep in mind this is only after you turn in the initial 60 wool, silk, mageweave and runecloth. Also you can do this for EACH faction. Stormwind has a guy in the mage district that takes this, and IF has the dwarven and gnomish collectors also. And the horde has their respective quests for this too. And if your just in for XP, at 50, when you get this quest.
Personally, I stopped The "A Gnome's Respite" quest chain, after the quest that has that name, and did not go see two other people in the Eastern Kingdoms, but this can lead to a good chunk of rep. In addition to the above mentioned, I also did some quests in Arathi, the worgen questline in Darkshire, and a good chunk of Southshore. Comment by How much rep in all would i get for turning in all the cloth quests?
Just a question cus im trying to get my Epic Mount as cheap as possable right nwo Revered and its G how much lower can it get? Comment by clouds For Darn rep you can also turn in 5 Storm crystals for 18 rep with them which is quite easy, and you get Honor!. If you turn in 20 armor scraps, medals which drop from horde and you turn them in to the Wing Commanders, tamed Rams, or wolf pelt things you will get 2.
But, it is easy to get rep with those main factions. What most people are interested in is the Kitty mounts. Here is a link so you can look at the different designs. If you do not have any of the flight paths, you will have to walk. From personal experience it has taken minutes to walk to Ironforge from Darnassus, varying on the amount of creeps you aggro in wetlands and Loch Modan.
Link to this post. Comment by Quicksilver getting reputation was easy my characters a night elf and i accidentelly got revered and was'nt even trying to get it i did all the tellidrassil quests, all of darkshores, most of ashenvales, and some of stonetalon mountains.
Comment by ghost9er9er9 As of 3. Comment by Walltu I wanted to get to Exalted With Darnassus Badly and dident want to go over lvl 30 before I did it so I did like it ses longer up on this page I did all the quests in the ereas that Groundlord sed in hes post and it was easy I got to Exalted at 30 exakt and now am runing on me Tiger its so cool when ppl come to me and say how did you get that mount o ye its Epic.
This was as a Draenei, so no Human rep. Comment by One thing I'd just like to point out. I did all the quests I could find that gave Darnassus reputation, so I didnt have to waste any gold on Runecloth. I did this as a mage in Ulduar and above gear. It's worth spending some hours on this. You get the very good looking saber mount s , which gives you a good boost to get your Albino Drake from the 50 mount achievement.
Doing all these quests also give you a good boost towards the Loremaster achievement! Happy grinding :. Comment by Darnassus aka Darnassus City is the capital city of the night elves of the Alliance. The high priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind, resides in the Temple of the Moon, surrounded by other sisters of Elune. Come get some! Now I remember why I refused to play a Shaman before. I remember I also did the 2 available A Donation of Comment by bigpoppa Right.
I became exalted today on my lvl 31 human paladin. For two reasons: 1. The kitty of course 2. I don't have to run around on a gay ass horse. I started If i didn't sleep and eat dinner etc.
But, wth? I started as lvl 24 and ended up as i said as a lvl I also got lvling shoulders,chest and 1h so that helped me far in experience gaining. Now, i would like to say that if you're a AoE class. This will go abit faster. I did the samething on a rogue i had. Anyway, Viva la Human and "Diplomacy" Racial. I Would never have done this as another class, as I don't have the patience to it. Happy rep gaining ;. Curious number, xD. All the other quests that would otherwise give Darnassus reputation now goes into Alliance rep as a whole.