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Conversion Conversion Emoticon Emoticon. AQW World. How to use Quest Loader on Grimoire 3. C - Frost that Lucky Harms! Part One - Find the Key! Part Two - Find the key! No, Warm Down. Potion Time.

Intruder Alert! I - Robo-Mutiny means a Bounty! II - Robo-Mutiny means a Bounty! To DOOM! Wait, no -- Don't. Gravelyn detects that the Sepulchure present isn't the real Sepulchure. The tomb of Queen Lynaria Alteon states that Sepulchure was killed by Drakath where there is no coming back from death.

Drakath ends up warping reality to make it look like the Sepulchure has returned from the dead. After reality is restored, Nulgath and Dage the Evil catch up to the group as Gravelyn tells them, Sally, and Noxus that the Shadowscythe Army will hunt down Drakath and make him pay for what he did to Sepulchure.

Gravelyn then orders Sally to rebuild Vordred in order to use him against Drakath. Gravelyn gets bored waiting for the next Chaos attack and summons the players to Shadowfall where they must decide the next option since King Alteon isn't up to taking the fight to Drakath.

General Cynari and General Tibias assist the Hero into proving who is right. After slaying the Shadow of the Past , the players do their best to prove the Allegiance is strong and will help Gravelyn depending on if they are on the side of good or evil.

Gravelyn then changes her armor and states that she will act weak as a way to fool Drakath. In the alternate timeline caused by Drakath, Gravelyn appears at the point where she sees her father fighting King Alteon. When Drakath doesn't show up, King Alteon dies protecting the Hero. When Sepulchure vanquishes Death enough to cause the recently departed to return as Zombies that obey Sepulchure's every command, Gravelyn shouts to the players to get out of the palace.

When the Zombies break into Battleon, it is eventually revealed that Gravelyn is the Champion of Light, which explained by Gravelyn isn't undead like her father and how she lit up enough to hurt a Ghoul, as Sepulchure also learns this from his Doom Blade after Gravelyn left.

This causes Sepulchure to go after Gravelyn so that he can open the portal to the Plane of Darkness. The Hero sees Sepulchure about to deal the final blow to Gravelyn. Sepulchure finds himself unable to kill his own daughter. Just then, Drakath appears and strikes at Gravelyn only for Sepulchure to take the hit.

Gravelyn unleashes her full light powers to drive away Drakath. The Doom Blade then takes control of Sepulchure's body transforming it into Dark Sepulchure in order to finish the job.

The players end up fighting Dark Sepulchure and managed to defeat him. Artix tells the Hero that a shadow creature can only be slain by the Blinding Light of Destiny as Dark Sepulchure gets up behind them. Gravelyn leaves her fight with Drakath and grabs the Doom Blade which she purifies into a weapon that destroys Dark Sepulchure and restores reality back to normal.


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