Skip to content. Star Releases Tags. Fixed an issue with the DisableTakeover option. Assets 3 NFSU2. Removed Show More Customization Options feature. Transferred to Unlimiter. Removed Hood Decals and Cabin Neon fixes. Added a fix for Megalow Parts to make it show the correct platform background.
Changed Show More Race Options. Set it to 2 to have "good" old Hill Drifts with AI opponents. Changed the method for the additional copyright text. Changed default headlight hotkey to G. Namespaces Proto Discussion. Views Read View source View history. This page was last edited on 6 June , at Content is available under Attribution 3.
Up on returning to Explore Mode, the blue arrow points in the direction of the sele cted destination. Your Invite has been re-sent. Acc ess Autosave in the Gameplay section of the Pause menu. Time's Up. En ter this event to test your skills in a 2 lap race against 3 opponents on a whit e-knuckle circuit through city streets. Use your nitrous as well as any shortcu ts you can find to give you the winning edge. Get there in time and he'll slap a s weet visual upgrade on that rocket of yours.
They are gonna come at 'cha strong in the X. No time to think, just do. A win will get you into the s ights of the sponsor and ya know that's a good thing. Megalow Parts is a discount performance parts store in Bay view. The store has a small inventory but they also carry the lowest prices. The rules for you are simple - slow traffic keep to the right. I don't want you getting in my way, we ain't driving Miss Daisy out here. You get the course map when you commit - you in? Let me make this easy for you.
Give your bank to the starter and try not to get in anybody's way. I do n't want you screwing up my beat down on these other fools.
I don't want to risk my win because I ha ve to avoid your sad ride when I lap you. Pay attention to the map and stay out of my way. Whoa you know I'm talking about your car, not real horses, right? I always forget th at you're from the sticks. Sorry dog. Since I'm gonna be taking all of your Benjamins, you can call me Bank. You deposit enough in my wallet and maybe I'll give you a free toaster. You ready to start an account? We figured it had to be from the city 'cause ain't nobody gonna get caught racing a heap like that.
I'll take your bank just the same as the next chump. You in? I don't think that ride you're driving has got enough to make it to t. You might want to think about this one. If your bank is good then roll up to the line. We've been known to take on some charity cases occassionally and it looks like you'll fit the bill just fine. You must install Spinners on your car before you can paint them. Time's Up! Head to the star on the map and I'll call you with more details wh en you get there.
The closer you drift to traffic cars, th e more points you score. Select from a wide variety of "show" upgrades for your ride and enhance your re putation on the streets. Get a sweet new look and distinct roar when you add one of our new Exhaust Tips. Get one install ed today at any Bayview Body Shop. The higher your speed and angle of drift, the more p oints you score. Slide in the marked bonus zones to send your drift scores off t he charts.
You will find hundreds of brand new designs in Underground 2 which ra nge from mild to wild! Head to the star on your map. As soon as he calls me with the details I'l let you know where you can meet him.
Y ou better haul your butt over here or I m puttin the word out on you and that means no more racin until I say so. Get to the car lot, I don't have all night. The lo cation is on your map! Watch for the doors that are going up and try to move to th at lane.
Trying to beat a closing door is a risky move and could cost you the ra ce. Bayview Car Specialties can hook you up with the sick setup. Call f or an appointment tonight. Would you like to save your profile now? He's going to call me back with the location. Head to the star on the map and I'll calll you w ith the details. I've uploaded the race locations t o your map. Go out there and start making a name for yourself! Hidden events do not appear on your mini-map but are wo rth big bank.
Check SMS messages and listen for clues from other racers to locat e these events. Pick up a N2O system at any performanc e shop or Megalow Parts shop in the city.
I'm getting some information on where he's shooting next mont h's cover. Head to the star that I'm uploading to your map. As soon as I have hi s location I'll give you a call. Go check it out! You miss a turn here and you're as good as do ne. Don't worry, we'll wait for you at the finish line. One w rong move and you're as good as done. Good luck - you're gonna need it. I'll upl oad the map to your SMS. If you and that pile of junk ever make it across the finish line, wake me up so I can colle ct my bank.
Soon as you're in, I'll upload the course to you. Since what you drive is the equivalent of an old lady's walker, you may just want to hand over your b ank now. Mayb e you should call Rachel and borrow a real car so I have a little competition. You know we ain't playin' no video games here bro. This one's for real bank and I'm the one colle cting it. I'll be waitin' at the finish line with my feet up. Try to get there before I fall asleep. I've heard some good things abou t you.
Why don't you throw down some bills and back it up? Ain't no way I'm gi vin' you any respect 'til you show me some skills. Somebody call a doctor cause your ride needs some serio us work. I gotta tell you I don't know if it can be saved. What do you say I bust you in this race then we'll throw a party at the f inish line and cry about that hunk of junk you call a car. Adjust the slider to tune your brake bias to the fron t or rear. Adjusting your brake bias will change how much your car is able to tu rn while braking.
Get yours today. Word is there's some good racing going on up t here. Be sure to check it out. The r arest mirror designs on the planet are available now at all Bayview Body Shops. Head to the Star on your Mini-map to meet. Lea rn where your car's perfect shift points are for each gear and gain an additiona l speed boost during your race. Head to the Star on your Mini-map to meet the photographer. Can t say I blame you. She s loaned you her ride. It s at the airport waitin g. Good luck bro!
Be seein ya. Wou ld you like to create a profile? Any unread messages from this Friend will be lost. C'mon down and let us paint your Engine Accents.
Hoses, heads and more. Available at all Bayview Car Specialties Shops. Head to the Star on your Mini-ma p to meet the photographer. When you've got the composition that you like, snap the picture! I just had to take car e of a little problem.
They always watchin' so get to it. This here curve kick is inked into your contract so ya best roll in first. Sponsor aint gonna hang with a loser. Would you like to change or remove this vinyl? Currently, all makes and models in stock. Head to the Star on your Mini-map to mee t the photographer. Parts and Packages carry a dditional discounts over regular Performance shops. To get good parts at the che apest prices, visit Megalow Parts.
Hundreds of paints, multi-layered vinyls, and decals can all be added to create a fully customized ride. Are you sure you want to load a profile? When you're happy with the set up, snap the picture! Let's get this party started! It s the drift boy and you got a chance to prove yourself right. Step in or step o ff 'cause this is fa real. No wannabes allowed - you're borderline so make it qu ick. Yes or no boy? You expect to win in that G-ride?
Hey if you wanna throw your bank away - step right up bro. Small investment to get some seroius hype. Wha t do you say? Installing this widebod y kit with carbon fibre may remove some vinyls. Head to the Star on your Mini-map t o meet the photographer. Do you want to proceed? Once you've got what you like, snap the picture!
Don t bother lookin for races, there s nothin goin on. Don t keep me aitin again. See you there. Without a network adaptor, you will not be able to access the online features o f this title. Go to Mega low Parts and Performance shops throughout the city to purchase performance upgr ades for your ride. SMS messages will inform you of newly arriving inventory.
The first person to make a name for themselves doing this could be in for a big payday. They got some people out here to see how you d. We win here and we get paid. I might be able to get some sweet deals lined up for the future if you keep win ning.
Let's give the sponsors something to get excited about. Winners sell products to kids. Winners get paid. We need to get paid so go out there and win. No one knows what to expect from the street X so it's your chance to shine. Rack it up into first place and the sponsor's will take notice.
Notice means bank and that means a b etter ride. Tonight's the night to prove to these cats you ain't no hillbilly.
Top the race and the bank will star t to flow. Do what'cha know ya need to. Exposure like that breeds bank and we all know you can use it. It's the big daddy street c ross comin' at'cha. Kick it into the top spot and the shirt tucks will dig it. A deal will be sure to follow from them. Just do what'cha know a nd roll 'er in first. The rest will follow. Now available at all Bayview Car Specialties Shops. This race has the interests of your sponsor, so let's win this big and get paid.
Win this and you're one step closer to closing out your con tract. Let's see what you've got. A little birdie told me that the sponsor is watching this run. Wrap this one up so we can keep gettin ' paid. Ya got to scorch the cl ay and top the drag cause this race is written into your deal. You have to win to keep the sponsor's from second guessing their choice. I'll be watchin' from the end zone. A win checks against your deal and scores you some C's. Yo u happy, me happy and sponsor's happy.
It registers against your sponsor deal and wins ya some bank. Ya pu ll this off on top and ya got one less thing to worry about - except bank.
Sponsors want a win and you need the bank. Ball into first and scratch another race in the win column of your contract. Winnin' gets deals and deals get you the lime light.
G o big! Make sure you'r e on the winning side of the table in any future Outrun Races. Make your ride stand out from the cro wd with our all new exhaust tips. Check out the selection at all Bayview Body Sh ops. Head to the Star on your M ini-map to meet the photographer.
Check out the wide variety of choices at any area Graphic s Shop. Different tracks are available for each race mode. Make adjustments to your car here and set it up to give you an advantage in any type of race event. Head to the Star on your Mini-m ap to meet the photographer.
You will no longer be able to receive messages or invites from this user. Any active voice chat sessions will be also cancelled. The added weight and size of th e SUV's will challenge the talents of even the most experienced racers. Last driver every lap i.
Since you're gonna be eliminated first you can sit and watch how t hese races work. If you want in I'll download you the map. Last driver each lap gets eliminated. Last man standing takes the purse - but trust me, you won't have to worry about it. There ain't no sitting back and making your move late. You sit back on any lap here and you'll find yourself eliminated pretty fast. We're running knockout races tonight so let's see your bankroll if you want in the race. By the way, you want to get knocked out in the first, second, or third lap?
I'd love to take it easy on you bro but this here is a knockout rac e and I'm predicting it's a 1st round KO for you tonight. We heatin' up the streets! If you'r e half as good as everyone claims - you'll step in.
What's the answer, yo? We aint got all night! Quit your marinating and handl e some business! Knuckle up to some Knock Out racin'. If ya don't know what th at is, ya best step off. If your in you get the course map. Yes or no? That's right! It's exactly what's g onna happen to ya if ya run this race. You in or you punk? Knock Out racin' gonna down and you're invited. Quit your barkin' and make a stand! Sick mirrors available to customize the look of your sled.
Available for all makes and models at all Bayview Body Shops. Installing a custom hoo d will remove any hood decals. Cars with good handling will fare the best on these tight, techn ical courses. Impress the ladies with new in terior neon.
Pick yours up at any Bayview Car Specialties Shop today. If the problem persi sts, please contact EA Customer Support. All parts unlocked at Megalow Parts are also available here.
Drifting on the outside lane is risky because of the likelihood of oncoming traffic. You may also lose any unread messa ges and game session invites. Customize your look. Pick up yours tonight at any Graphics Shop.
Pick up yours at Bayview Body Shops. Installing a ca rbon fiber hood will cause any hood vinyls and decals to be removed from your ca r. Sign up for free! Where can I find megalow parts? I can't find the megalow parts User Info: danielganteng. Megalow parts is in the western half of the city center, close to the stadium. It should be the 1st place you ever bought performance parts.
On the map, it's a blue dot on the left half of the big oval in the middle close to a curve in a road that doesn't have an intersection.