When was lawless set

It helped us establish Blackwater and gave us time to shop Georgia. History for Hire also helped us with graphics and the jars, newspapers, guns and props. It seemed like we were there every day making a pick up. LG was also instrumental in helping me find parts for the moonshine stills. Once we got going and met many of the small town antique owners or residents of the small towns we were shooting in, a phone tree system developed naturally…particularly if we were looking for specific things.

Location owners also helped us a great deal. His still was made with car pieces, parts and filters. I think it actually had a whole front end grill of a car in it. Some parts were fabricated from scratch, but a lot we gathered from moonshine makers in several counties, a feat in itself.

Parts are also made from copper which has obvious monetary value, so no one wants to give them up. If you looked closely, many of the parts had bullet holes in them. After we were around for a time, and folks knew what we were doing there, we pretty much got to try every flavor of moonshine in four counties.

That is the truth of the story. People are really proud of their moonshine. The Bondurants were proud of theirs…they were NOT fond of out-of-towners trying to move in on their operation and livelihood. By the time the operation had grown to the vats, the Bondurants were churning out a lot of shine, in barrels and in jars. Those vats were built by construction and taken right out of the research.

We added all the extra parts to make them look as if they were working. At one point, Chris and Andrew were once again driving and driving through the backwoods of Georgia, when Chris spotted just the tip of a barn peeking out of miles and miles of kudzu in a field.

It was brilliant and beautiful. We originally wanted to shoot in that barn, but found out that, logistically, we would never get the equipment back there. Plus, under all that kudzu were random sink holes and wells that could have been very dangerous.

So we shot the exterior and the explosion there, but brought the interior back to a barn which construction refurbished on the Cotton Picking Farm. It has beautiful, old, original buildings of all kinds.

A house with a wraparound porch, which used to be the main house, we used as the hospital. We wanted it to be simple and very understated, but clean. Guy Pearce had developed this idea for his character of being a sinister dandy who was obsessed with his own grooming, always wore gloves and combed black dye into his hair constantly. Guy shaved his eyebrows and widened the part in his hair. It was incredibly disarming just walking around him.

His room was very, very tidy. The funeral party where Jack first sells their moonshine was held in the basement of the brick mill, which we dressed out first as a tobacco drying and packing room. We then set up the wake layered over it. We made separate rooms with burlap draperies and old metal Anaglypta I found at a flea market. Tobacco was shipped in from Virginia, and we made our own light fixtures and candle holders.

We built a plain box coffin but then fabricated an elaborate satin interior for it based on what we had found in our research. Haralson, Georgia served as Rocky Mount, Virginia. A block intersection, it had about four buildings. Goofs The movie is set in the s, at one point a character is loading a shotgun with plastic shotgun shells, but plastic shells weren't introduced until the s. During the period of the movie shotgun shells were made of thick paper with a metal bottom for the primer.

Quotes Forrest Bondurant : It is not the violence that sets men apart, alright, it is the distance that he is prepared to go. Alternate versions 9 seconds of gory violence were removed for an R rating in the US. The film was released uncut internationally including Canada. User reviews Review. Top review. Lawless is a typical B-movie in structure. Here is a straightforward plot with a previously known climax and denouement. And the era itself has already been described so many times that it is almost impossible to tell something new.

In such cases, only the cast can be of interest. And in this regard, Lawless hits exactly the target. This is a great cast. That Tom Hardy, that Guy Pierce fit perfectly into his roles. An excellent film that critics probably did not like at one time. This is a purely spectator simple movie. FAQ 2. Is this a true story? Details Edit. Release date August 29, United States. United States. The Promised Land. So to hear about their bootlegging for the first time was a life-changing experience.

It opened the door, you might say, to the mystery of their lives. And I set out to fill in as many of the blanks as I could. Bondurant said that process gave him a sense of creative freedom and may have made the story more fun, more engaging for readers. James Burnett can be reached at james.


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