Once the number of bidders willing to pay at least the CCP matches the quota at the end of the exercise, the CCP will stop increasing. All successful bidders will pay the same QP for the respective categories, regardless of their bid. All that is left to do is for you to make payments.
The final amount you have to fork out for your new ride is intrinsically tied to COE trends. For an in-depth explanation of the past COE Bidding Results, read our latest analyses and discover future predictions from industry experts to help you bid strategically.
These conclusions will provide you with a better understanding of how the market is moving functions and perhaps eliminate some of your own biases. Upon expiration of your COE, you must either renew it in order to keep using your vehicle, or deregister and dispose of it. If your car is in good condition , you may want to consider COE renewal instead of buying a new car.
When deciding whether to renew your COE, bear in mind the potential rebate you might be giving up. This is the scrap value that you would receive if you deregister your vehicle instead. On the other hand, you will have to pay the full PQP amount for a year renewal and you may still choose to renew your COE for another 10 years after that year period expires.
Aim to start planning at least 6 months before your COE is due to expire to be safe, and to avoid incurring the late renewal fee. Each vehicle type is subject to a late renewal fee of varying values. While renewing your COE may not be as expensive as buying a brand new one, it is still a lot of money.
Depending on the PQPs, you may find yourself having to pay tens of thousands to keep your car on the road. Luckily, there are ways to finance your COE without having to fork out that much cash upfront!
Enter COE renewal loans. There are just as many options out there to finance your COE renewal as there are to buy a car. In fact, most banks and finance companies offer COE renewal loan plans if you do not want to fund your COE renewal by yourself. Of course, different banks and companies have different interest rates and policies, so be sure not to skimp out on doing your research thoroughly.
Unlike getting a new COE, you do not have to go through the cumbersome process of bidding. You will also be subject to a late payment fee.
Whether you are a first-time or seasoned car buyer, you are well on your way to your next drive around Singapore. Take a look at our selection of new cars and used cars in our marketplace today! Source: SGCharts. Actual number of vehicles taken off the roads i.
Number of vehicles de-registered Adjustments arising from temporary COEs that have expired or were cancelled Allowable growth in vehicle population. Source: Wealth Mastery. Revise the reserve price, or Drop out of the current bidding exercise. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Call no. Soong, M. Select Committee calls for car quota scheme. The Business Times , p. COE system kicked off in Vehicle Quota System reviewed. Journeys , p. The information in this article is valid as at June and correct as far as we are able to ascertain from our sources.
It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history of the subject. Not this guy Watch this second video and see how oblivious the Range Rover driver is. Dangerous evasive manoeuvrers By some miracle, the cam car managed to avoid T-boning the Range Rover, but it had to swerve into the next lane and cut across double white lines in the process.
If there had been another vehicle on its right, the crash would have been devastating. Not to mention, the cam car would have to foot the damages. Online Chatter A little harsh. Sounds legit. Very vindicative bunch of comments. Love it. Looks like just smashing the Rover might be the best option here. See something interesting on the roads? Newly recommended road cycling rules — Do they actually matter?
The recommendations consist of the following rules and guidelines: To continue allowing cyclists to ride abreast in a maximum of 2 on roads with two or more lanes. Introduce a rule for on-road cycling groups, for them to limit their group length to 5 bicycles. Essentially, this means a limit of five cyclists in a single file or ten cyclists when riding abreast. Introduce a guideline to ensure a safe distance of 2 lamp posts 30 metres between riding groups.
Introduce a guideline in the Highway Code and driving test handbooks that require motorists to have a minimum passing distance of 1. Highly encourage cyclists to sign up for third-party liability insurance. When involved in an accident, third-party insurance will compensate for victims and protect cyclists from potentially expensive claims. Unless they are caught in the act of flouting these rules and guidelines, matters will remain the status quo.
Besides, recommendations 1 — 3 will only be effective when proper enforcement is present. And this, unfortunately, is a hard nut to crack. Recommendation 4 will be only and most effective when implemented — but why? Well, it is pretty simple. It is easier to take enforcement actions against motorists than cyclists, as motorists must be licensed and officially registered with government bodies.
Hence, it makes motorists more accountable for any actions committed by them. Lastly, recommendation 5 is the most perplexing recommendation of them all.
Considering a significant number of citizens have no insurance coverage, the tendency to take up third-party liability insurance for cycling is going to be pretty damn low too.
Conclusion Nothing spells ineffectiveness more than this proposed set of recommendations, which practically solves none of the issues at hand.
Instead, the proposed recommendation aims to tackle every other matter, except that one crucial matter — Holding cyclists accountable for their actions. Netizens' Comments This basically summarises all the issues at hand.
Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today! Volkswagen Roc plays a cat and mouse chasing game and ends up crashing This video is, as the kids say, very 'happening'. For those confused with what had just happened in the video, let me unpack it for you. As the black car in front of him starts to speed, the camcar driver revs his engine and chases his 'friend' in a silly speeding game. As both cars speed down the lane, the drivers try their best to avoid crashing into other vehicles.
However, to the camcar's dismay, he crashes into a grey car after entering a bend. Luckily for his 'friend', he manages to squeeze past the car before it changes lanes and avoids a collision. The video ends with several pictures of the blue Volkswagen Scirocco after the crash.
Who is at fault here? As evident from the footage of the accident, it is safe to say that the Volkswagen Roc is at fault here. After all, it is common knowledge that street racing is illegal in Singapore.
According to the Road Traffic Act, individuals found guilty of street racing will face a punishment of a hefty fine, mandatory imprisonment and forfeiture of the vehicle involved. Following the Tanjong Pagar incident earlier this year, the authorities have introduced a series of amendments to the Road Traffic Act. This includes higher fines and longer jail times for individuals found guilty of street racing in Singapore.
Netizens' reactions While I'm not an expert at car insurance, I highly doubt that the insurance company would be willing to pay the Roc driver after they find out about his little game of cat and mouse with his 'friend'.