Shortly after starting the channel, he took a job as a disc jockey at a local radio station, Z Shay not only won a tee-shirt but the endorsement of DeFranco. The popularity of the "Shaycarl" channel shot up overnight. Today, the channel has garnered more than 1. During his time on BlogTV, the fans of the videos began calling themselves "ShayTards" after a video Shay made claiming his love for unitards. That evolved into fans calling themselves the "Shaytard Rebellionites.
On 2 October , Shay started a new channel, "Shaytards. Frequent appearances by his family members made for fun and exciting content that viewers asked to see more often. On 2 March , Shay and his family decided to make a video for each day of his 29th year starting on his March 5th birthday. Because Shay is a natural comedian, and his wife and children all possess a flair for comedy, the daily vlogs were a hit with fans. For safety, they decided to keep their last name private and to adopt stage names for their family.
Taking a cue from his fans, the family was given "Tard" names after the Shaytard channel and ShayTard Rebellionites. Shay's wife, "Katilette" also a stage name became known as "MommyTard. Soon, Shay was collaborating with other YouTube vloggers, going to YouTube gatherings and becoming friends with others in the YouTube community.
Over time, all of Shay's channels became YouTube Partner channels. The YouTube Partner Program allows channels to generate revenue from views. Well done Tim!! This was a great interview! Tim — completely unrelated but it would be great to have Shaun T in the program!! Also Nick Vujicic would be an amazing inspiration!! Love your show Tim. Really appreciated you having Carl on and hearing his story.
He mentioned Alma 2 as the go-to scripture in the Book of Mormon. I think he actually meant Alma Worth updating the link to reflect this. Thank you so much for the interview, I really enjoyed it.
Thanks again! I believe if we all did that — that would solve most of the world problems really fast. Maybe the hardest thing we got to do is start being kind to ourselves first?
When we accept kindness as our modus operandi by default, kindness, cooperation — the world will become a completely different place. And it is happening. And yes, start making videos Tim! Or succumbing to mediocrity? Every single time. Or maybe you can do last year before 40 video series starting on your birthday? And take longer project? Probably one of my top 3 favorite episodes. This guy is into it and he did his homework on you tim. Answering questions before you ask them haha.
His authenticity, vulnerability and just keeping in real was refreshing to hear! No acting like a success or acting a certain way. Learned alot. But wow great idea man and has seemed to open up a whole new avenue for you, Tim with Vlog.
It will give people inspiration and confidence to try things themselves. The path to behavioral change is unsexy and showing the unsexy day to day process will lift the vail! The Care Bear Stare conversation hooked me. Hell yeah, the F-ing Care Bear stare!
Transported me back to my childhood in a split second outta nowhere. At this time, I dont know if I will be able to keep my family, my spouse is taking efforts to leave. Editor: Slight correction on the show notes: the chapter of the Book of Mormon about hope he referred to is Alma 32, not Alma 2.
Double check the two differing chapter descriptions to confirm. Alma compares the word of God to a seed, and to try an experiment. If the word of God is good, it will grow like a tree from a seed. Excellent post. By the way, congrats on finally accepting the YT challenge, remember to let Casey know too. Let me know. Let me know if it worked. Tim, you briefly mentioned experiments on rebuilding severed connective tissue.
Is this something coming up? After a lifetime of injuries, I could really use some tricks to get back to BJJ and other activities I love. Jocko Podcast gets into discussions on how to train BJJ if you have long term injuries, fatigue, etc. In my eyes, getting someone like Shay on the show, just because he has millions of clicks and Youtube views, compromises the integrity of the podcast.
What really took it over the edge for me was when Shay was trying to give Tim career advice about vlogging. Tim, I assure you that you and Shay appeal to opposite target audiences. Shay seems like a well meaning nice guy, btw, so I wish him the best especially if I never have to hear his voice again! Still love the show of course! Just my 2 cents. Thank you ML for expressing so eloquently what I was thinking as I listened to this fast and crass talking Mormon that had nothing to share that was worth my time.
I agree with you, ML. There are so many youtube famous people now, or instagram famous. What do they talk about? Absolutely nothing. Sam Harris has thousand followers, and this guy has thousand followers on twitter, so does it mean he has a bigger impact on the society? Everyone is a self-proclaimed life coach now. And what is their life experience? Hardly anything worth knowing.
Not sure what the appeal is of his content. I spent about thirty minutes perusing it and it seems like a mix of bad fifteen year old humor and tedious TLC reality TV. Hey, awesome episode!
I am a practicing Mormon, as well as a returned missionary, and I think Shay meant to reference Alma chapter 32, not chapter 2. Specifically, verse If we want to know if the seed is good, or will bring forth fruit, we need to plant it. What is useful about this is that, even without seeing the seed completely grow into a plant and give fruit, we can see that the seed is good because it BEGINS to grow.
Great episode — first time listener, first time commentor ;. On my wee under used youtube channel I am going to do the 30 day vlog challenge to help get me to increase confidence, face fears and see things through even though I am scared of what people might think.
I hope you realise that each of your podcast is a potential book material to be coauthored with your guest for the Podcast. I always believed that the world is different for every individual, based on their interpretations and filters.
Listening to them enhances the boundaries of my interpretations and filters.. Love the array of guests lately — Gladwell, Holiday and Shay could not be more different and makes for great listening. Shay, your thoughts and opinions on eternity match my own, and please check out my thoughts on Twitter at jasonoshima for the same line of thinking. Very interesting interview. Probably worth updating for those who are trying to find it. I love the range of guests you have on and the different views they bring.
Great podcast, one of my favorites of all the Tim Ferris podcast, thanks for having Shay on the cast and opening me up to his work. The chemistry on the podcast was amazing. Shay, kudos to you for being brutally honest about your faith and addiction.
I also respect your commitment to your marriage and family. Tim, thank you for being a great conversationalist and having an open dialogue about suicide, and giving Shay the opportunity to share so much. I agree, we all have a void to fill each day and life happens in such a way that we all encounter struggles and setbacks.
Here is the Flying Droid that you was talking about. This is a great podcast. Now I have a better idea of how to approach the the use of video in online commerce and how to attract a larger share of viewers and customers. This was really great to hear how Shay has been able to successfully navigate cultural transitions and his foundation in solid values has enabled him to do that.
It was great to hear someone mention Dave Ramsey. What Dave teaches continues to rock the foundation of America in such a positive way. Literally millions of dollars of personal debt extinguished weekly enhance the ability to create wealth with the increase in liquidity. Like so many of your guests sharing about their lives well lived and the trials and tribulations one experiences on the journey to greatness, this one really hit home on so many points. Thanks Tim, seriously great content.
A talentless class clown who somehow fell into a Youtube hobby business. The level of self adulation for precisely zero is shocking. None of it is real. And no offence bro but you have a face for radio. Please show us YOUR face. Extreme ownership…. Actually, I agree with Ronald when it comes to Shay.
More power to him for finding a hustle that pays the bills, but the content he produces seems to be in line with something like the Duggars and Honey Boo Boo. Come on man, show some class. Terrific, rich, easy-to-listen-to interview. I just wrote down several pearls I imagine my years-from-now self would want to impart to my today-self. What a wonderful way to shower big love down on my own head! Molto grazie to both you and Shay for that. Can someone help me with a problem I am having with all Tim Ferriss podcasts.
Then instead of finishing the podcast simply repeats the last minutes that I have listened to and I miss the ending of every podcast. Hey guys. I have listened to all of the podcasts, literally, but this is my first comment.
Found this podcast while rehabing my first investment property a few years ago and it got me through countless hours of painting and drywall!
That said, every Mormon I have ever met was a kind and generous person who made for a valuable friend BUT cognitive dissonance is the death of improvement.
I love this podcast because you can tell the people on it use pragmatism and logic to guide their lives, and I can use their thoughts to better my life. I have no doubt that this guy is a great person but how can we take him seriously when he believes there is a living prophet who talks directly to a god who sends messages back to him?
A guy who must believe in special magic underwear? Common the Tim Ferriss team…you usually do so much better! I found this podcast very inspirational and genuine with a Mormon admitting to alcoholism.
I implore you to listen to this podcast again. Well done. Dear Tim, thanks for another great interview. I find that odd. My question is, why avoid the subject? This is not a rant.. Go Vegan for 30 days and track your results. And yes, it can be done.
I thinking his Fasting for more than one week kicks the shit out of Veganism. BUT I think a 30 day vlog on veganist diet would be a cool experiment. An even cooler one would be a 30 day fast! I was wondering the exact same thing, only from a slightly different point of view. I think we need to rethink how we do agriculture in this country, and I think that will help the environment and our health enormously. That would include using and consuming animal products, buy only done within a pasture based, rotational grazing system ala Joel Salitin or Alan Savory, and in lower quantities, with the focus being on plant-based foods, but mostly vegetables less grains and fruit , and food being as locally sourced as possible.
Anyway, I too feel he is very obviously steering clear of the subject. Alex Honald did I spell that correctly? My guess is that TF is avoiding the subject because it is so controversial.
People are very passionate about which diet is best and what is healthiest for our planet. There must be a way to do it and not offend all his listeners and sponsors. Thia is the first of your podcasts I turned off. This guy is no doubt smart and has some original thoughts, but all the talk about the afterlife and meeting people who know your thoughts as if it were a scientific reality made me hit the kill-switch.
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