His burdens are heavy, and he needs to be strengthened by the prayers of the Saints. We should study his words. We can listen to his conference addresses. We can also subscribe to the Ensign or Liahona so we can read his conference addresses and other messages he gives. We should follow his inspired teachings completely.
We should not choose to follow part of his inspired counsel and discard that which is unpleasant or difficult. The Lord commanded us to follow the inspired teachings of His prophet:.
The Lord will never allow the President of the Church to lead us astray. When we do as our prophet directs, blessings pour down from heaven.
We are blessed in this insecure world to have a prophet through whom the Lord reveals His will. What experiences have you had when you have obeyed the counsel of the prophet? Numbers God speaks through prophets.
Amos God reveals His secrets to the prophets. Mosiah —18 a seer can know of things past and things to come. Luke God speaks through prophets.
Gospel Principles. Chapter 9: Prophets of God. What have you learned from the lives and teachings of prophets? Why do we need a living prophet today? We might also speak of other exceptional people like Mother Teresa as prophets, but I believe that such people are really few and far between. Over the years, we have also seen that there are many people who claim to be prophets, but in fact are not. False prophets are all around us. They can be described as liking to be hero-worshipped, power-hungry and will not listen to Godly advice which is against their evil intentions.
Usually, they like to surround themselves with a "cult" of followers they can easily control, are spiritually empty and will always say yes to any un-godly instructions or advice. They are known to manipulate their ignorant followers either by force or subtly through false prophecies oftentimes putting fear into their disciples by threatening them that such members will not prosper if they leave.
False prophets wage war against true children of God by assassinating their characters, gossiping about them, sharing fake news, all in an attempt to cause confusion within the body of Christ. So, how can you tell a true prophet from a false prophet?
The question is not only important for us but was just as urgent for the audience that our text from Deuteronomy addresses. After Moses - the pre-eminent prophet - dies, those ancient Israelites wondered how will they know the will of God? So how will they know who speaks for God? And more importantly, how do we? We hear in the Scripture:. The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you shall heed such a prophet Deuteronomy God promises not to abandon the people to their own devices.
From time to time, God would call a prophet to speak God's word to the people. This passage, however, came to be understood over the centuries as an eschatological promise And eschatological is just a fancy term that simply means, what happens to us and everything in the end. This concern about the end times does not seem to be at the heart of the matter for us in our readings today. Word Studies. Old Testament Overviews. New Testament Overviews.
Book Collections. Visual Commentaries. All Podcasts. Bible Reader. Croatian Hrvatski. Dutch Nederlands. Finnish Suomi. German Deutsch. Hungarian Magyar. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia. Italian Italiano. Norwegian Norsk. Polish Polski. Swahili Kiswahili. Swedish Svenska. Back to Blog. Table of Contents. Verbal proclamation :. Jeremiah Here are two examples from Isaiah and Ezekiel: Action : Isaiah walks around naked and barefoot for three years Isaiah Interpretation :.