The terminal on this battery is a spring. The negative and positive terminals are fully collapsible. This type of terminal is found in flashlights and lanterns. An example of this is the 12V 0. This battery is commonly used in alarm systems and medical devices.
PC is short for Pressure Contacts. The terminal on a PC battery is usually on the side, not at the top as with other terminals. This battery is commonly used in medical devices.
The F2 terminals can be in different areas on the top of the battery. One of the two F2 terminals found on a battery is typically signified by a red coloring around the terminal to designate it as the Positive terminal. One may also ask, what is a NB terminal connector?
U terminal stands for Universal Automotive Post. This type of battery has a battery post with nut and bolt connectors connectors. Types of Battery Terminals Auto Post Terminal SAE terminal This is the most common battery terminal type, and any person who has replaced a car battery can easily recognize it. Stud Terminal. Button Terminal. Asked by: Hakima Rader asked in category: General Last Updated: 11th May, What is the difference between an f1 and f2 battery terminal? What is the difference between F1 and F2 Terminals?
Most emergency light applications use a F1 terminal and most emergency power backup UPS applications use F2 terminals. What size is an f2 terminal? What is the difference between f1 and f2? The biggest difference is the car itself. Whereas, F2 cars are designed and manufactured solely by Dallara and have same engines Renault , all cars are same basically.
If you're not sure which one you need, a simple measurement will give you the answer. If you're looking for a battery with a specific terminal type, please look at our selection of SLA batteries. The terminal type will be listed right below the product specifications on the right sidebar. And if you need a battery specifically with one terminal type or the other, please give us a call at and our techs can help you find what you need, even if it means a special order battery with the either F1 or F2 terminals.
Full Name Should contain only letters, numbers, and ' -. Email Address - will not be published Email address should be formatted user domain. Rate Article 1 2 3 4 5. Rocketman3 All sites should be as concise, complete and to the point. Explained difference , gave illustration and told me exactly how I could solve my problem. Well done! They can be easily converted. If you need a F2 terminal, you can attach an adapter and make it compatible with F2. Most common in emergency devices. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply.