One reader can have many subscriptions. One newspaper can have many subscriptions. A Many to One relation is the same as one-to-many, but from a different viewpoint. Many readers live in one area. Many subscriptions can be of one and the same reader. Many subscriptions are for one and the same newspaper. Gray k 22 22 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Hope this helps. Gray Gray k 22 22 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. The general case is called an inclusion dependency.
A foreign key constraint is the most common type of inclusion dependency but not all inclusion dependencies involve a foreign key. The common attribute or attributes the "reference" always exist in both tables.
On the "one" side those attributes are called a candidate key. On the "many" side they may be a foreign key. The terms "one-to-many" or "many-to-one" could be applied to any inclusion dependency that involves at least one candidate key without necessarily implying which side may be optional.
Interesting sqlvogel. In Java the javax. Are you saying that they are synonymous or just that it depends on the implementation? Is my answer incorrect? The question is about relational databases and SQL, not Java. Maybe you are right about Java. I was using it as an example sqlvogel. Are you saying that "one-to-many" and "many-to-one" are synonymous? I'm saying that those are two ways of describing exactly the same relationship but from different perspectives. In the same way that "A is a subset of B" means the same as "B is a superset of A".
Show 5 more comments. Foo is a Reference, a Foreign Key, and there is no unique index on it, there can be many rows for any given value of Foo Therefore the relation Foo::Bar is one-to-many Now you can perceive look at the relation the other way around, Bar::Foo is many-to-one But do not let that confuse you: for any one Bar row, there is just one Foo row that it References In SQL, that is all we have.
That is all that is necessary. What is the real difference between one to many and many to one relationship? Cardinality Cardinality is declared first in the data model, which means Logical and Physical the intent , and then in the implementation the intent realised. One to zero-to-many In SQL that the above is all that is required. Martijn Peters. I can edit it to comply with the code of conduct. But you have also removed a explanation, and b evidenced facts in reality. What do I do about those?
Focus on the tech, not on the people that may or not be wrong. There certainly is a difference, both conceptually as well as the generated schema. See my answer: stackoverflow. No there is not. Your answer is not only incorrect, it confuses beginners the ones asking this question. Uni-directional relationships : A relationship field or property that refers to the other entity.
Bi-directional relationships : Each entity has a relationship field or property that refers to the other entity. Premraj Premraj There is no "directionality" in a relational database. Each relationship has two "ends": the Reference table being referenced and the Referencing table doing the referencing. PerformaceDBA - If the relation has a foreign key constraint, then there is directionality, — Jason Therefore all relationship are FK Constraints. The Relational Model is logical.
Downvoted, you should come up with an example more appropriate than polygyny — toong. Athanassios Athanassios 10 10 bronze badges. Tom Bell Tom Bell 2 2 gold badges 6 6 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges.
Jason 1, 2 2 gold badges 12 12 silver badges 18 18 bronze badges. Samuel H Samuel H 1 1 1 bronze badge. Using the department and employee relationship A department can have multiple employees, so from the employee side, it's one-to-many relationship, and from the department side it's many-to-one relationship But if an employee can also belong to more than one department, we can also say from the employee side it's now many as opposed to one , so the relationship becomes many-to-many In order words, a simple understanding would be, we can state that a relationship is many-to-many if one-to-many can be viewed from both sides that is if; one employee can belong to many departments one-to-many one department can have many employees one-to-many.
Onengiye Richard Onengiye Richard 5 5 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. Mohammed Housseyn Taleb 2, 22 22 silver badges 50 50 bronze badges. It may be a good answer, but they are not the same: many-to-one has a parent class containing n number of children, one-to-many has many parent's to one child.
In SQL it may not make a difference as the many-to-one relationship can be omni-directional but in a framework such as Django, this is a major issue, as there is no one-to-many relationship and the foreign key which deals with the Many-to-One relationship only works naturally in one direction, this cannot be used the other way round in the same way. What is important to realize is that typically the one-to-many relationship doesn't actually add any columns to the table that is the "one".
The Customer has no extra columns which describe the relationship with Order. In fact the Customer might also have a one-to-many relationship with ShippingAddress and SalesCall tables and yet have no additional columns added to the Customer table.
However, it is also possible for there to be another table that describes the Customer and Order relationship, so that no additional fields need to be added to the Order table. In this case, the one-to-many and many-to-one is all conceptual since there are no schema changes between them.
Which mechanism depends on your schema and SQL implementation. In SQL, there is only one kind of relationship, it is called a Reference. Your front end may do helpful or confusing things [such as in some of the Answers], but that is a different story.
A Foreign Key in one table the referenc ing table References a Primary Key in another table the referenc ed table. Since Foo. Foo is a Primary Key, it is unique, there is only one row for any given value of Foo.
Since Bar. Foo is a Reference, a Foreign Key, and there is no unique index on it, there can be many rows for any given value of Foo. Now you can perceive look at the relation the other way around, Bar::Foo is many-to-one.
There is only one relation, therefore there is no difference. Perception from one "end" or the other "end" or reading it backwards, does not change the relation. Cardinality is declared first in the data model, which means Logical and Physical the intent , and then in the implementation the intent realised.
One to one-to-many You need a Transaction to enforce the one in the Referencing table. One to one You need a Transaction to enforce the one in the Referencing table. There is no such thing at the Physical level recall, there is only one type of relation in SQL. At the early Logical levels during the modelling exercise, it is convenient to draw such a relation. Before the model gets close to implementation, it had better be elevated to using only things that can exist. There is no difference. It's just a matter of language and preference as to which way round you state the relationship.
Our decisions will be based on business needs and logic rather than complex mathematics. Recently we worked with a high-end sports club. They were looking for a system to track many aspects of their business, including members, membership fees, facilities, programs, and much more. At this facility, they provided members with lockers.
At first, it seemed as easy as assigning a locker number to each member. Simple enough, right? But as we investigated more, we discovered that there was additional information collected on each locker. These included the locker number, size, location, and combination of the lock installed. Imagine for a moment that this information was stored as part of the Members table.
If the facility added a number of new lockers that were not yet assigned to a member, where would that data be stored? Would users create new, blank member records to be able to store the locker details? In database terminology, these issues are known as an insertion anomaly and deletion anomaly.
Many folks new to data structures fall prey to these issues. We want to avoid compound record structures where multiple different people, places, objects, or events are stored in the same table. Since a member is provided one and only one locker, and a locker is assigned to only one member, we have a one-to-one relationship.
In one case, it was to minimize data storage and provide separate security measures. In the other, we wanted to create a data model that allowed for the creation of data that was truly separate and unique. Be sure not to implement them where they are not needed and not to make an overly complex ERD where one is not needed.
For example, according to very strict readings of data normalization rules one might feel a one-to-one relationship is needed.
But also recall that many of these very stringent rules were created in a day and time when computer storage was extremely expensive.
The amount of storage we have on our current mobile phones would have cost tens of millions of dollars 50 years ago. We know that most people have a home phone number, but there are exceptions. Under strict interpretation, we would place the home phone number in a separate one-to-one file. Lack of a value can convey meaning too. In an odd sense having no value tells us that it does not exist. For example, the lack of a home phone number could tell us that this person does not have a home number.
Or it could tell us that we simply do not have the data yet. Be prudent in your use of one-to-one relationships. They do have value and are important under some circumstances. Use them wisely and carefully where applicable.
As we mentioned previously, many-to-many relationships are quite common in database design. We often discover them only after discussions with system users and management. In many cases, they are not obvious until use cases are defined, and business needs investigated. Some many-to-many relationships are obvious. Intuitively we know that a Student generally will take many Classes. And a Class will likely have many Students.
Thus a many-to-many, as shown below. The question becomes, how do we implement a many-to-many relationship in our Honeycode systems? Many developers first attempt putting a foreign key field in both Students and Classes tables to solve this data need.
It makes sense to new folks since we used a foreign key to resolve a one-to-many relationship. We have a table of Students and a table of Classes, as shown below:. Imagine this information is printed on a large piece of paper and hung on the wall. The school registrar would like to see a diagram that demonstrates which Students are enrolled in which Classes.
I think most would do so by drawing lines between the Classes and Students. By following the lines, either way, we could see who is linked to each Class, or which Classes each Student is enrolled, as follows:. Although a bit messy and hard to follow this series of lines accurately describes the many-to-many relationship between the entities. Each Student can be enrolled in one or more Classes. Each Class can have one or more Students enrolled. Just follow the lines from either side.
Each line represents one Student enrolled in one Class. Count up the lines, and you know how many class enrollments exist. So how do we represent those lines in data? The answer is straightforward. When we have a many-to-many relationship, we add a third join table in the middle to track all these links.
Notice the many-to-many relationship has been converted into a pair of one-to-many relationships to our new entity Enrollments. Enrollments is a child of both Students and Classes, and thus Enrollments will have two foreign keys, one each for Students and Classes. Each line starts at a student record and ends at a class record.